Prof. Dr. Bernd Blöbaum
Department of Communication
Room: E 227
Bispinghof 9-14
D-48143 Münster
Phone.: +49 251 83-24260/61
Department of Communication
Room: E 227
Bispinghof 9-14
D-48143 Münster
Phone.: +49 251 83-24260/61
1976-1982: undergraduate and graduate course in social sciences, journalism and politics in Bochum and Berlin; trainee and editor at a daily newspaper; since 1987 research associate at the department for journalism at the University of Dortmund; PhD 1994; Habilitation in 1998; visiting professor at the University of Hamburg (1998/99) and Bamberg (1999-2001); since 2001 Professor for Communication Studies with a focus on media theory and practice at the University of Münster. October 2002 - September 2007 Head of Department.
The research training group examines how trust can be developed and maintained under the conditions of new forms of communication. Digitized means of communication change the structure and sustainability of trust. At the same time, new types of relationships between individuals, organisations and the public evolve. The postgraduate programme analyses the consequences of these processes for the establishment of trust relationships by the example of four prototypical areas: media, economy, science and sports.
As part of the funding initative of the Ministry of Education and Research, “New Science Governance”, the research project aims at analysing the relationships between media, science and politics. The concept of governance focuses on the interactions between various fields of society and the processes in which these mechanisms occur.
Project staff: Dr. des. Andreas Scheu (coordinator), Annika Kutscha M.A., Anna-Maria Volpers M.A.
The project, which is funded by the German Research Foundation, examines how journalism and mass media have changed due to changes in society. Journalism research so far has not developed a research frame for analysingchange. The project’s multi-method design consisting of interviews, observation and content analysis thus provides basic research. The current stage concentrates on data analysis.
Project staff: Dr. Maja Malik (2006-2008), Nicole Basel M.A. (2006-2007), Sophie Bonk M.A., Anne Karthaus M.A., Annika Kutscha M.A.
Since 1993, taz readers are regularly questioned about their use and evaluation of the newspaper. Analyses from 1993, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2010 offer insights into the readers’ profiles and their relationship to the project “tageszeitung”. In 2010, an explorative survey among kiosk buyers was conducted as well as a survey among users of taz.de, the newspaper’s online portal. The studies are commissioned by the taz
During the first phase the project examines how journalists are represented in journalist novels. This content analysis is complemented by interviews with journalists who have worked as writers.