
InChangE Workshops

As part of the methodological cross-sectional project on interdisciplinary concept formation and synthesis, members of the collaborative project InChangE meet regularly to identify conceptual differences and commonalities in the participating disciplines and to develop a common vocabulary for the interdisciplinary research field.

Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Participants of the workshop
© JICE – Tobias Zimmermann

Interdisciplinary understanding of environment

InChangE Workshop

On 16 August 2022, members of the joint project InChangE came together for a workshop on the understanding of the concept of environment within the involved disciplines.

The event was organised by the project participants Prof. Dr Marie Kaiser, Anton Killin, PhD and Prof. Dr Annette Malsch as part of the methodological cross-sectional project of interdisciplinary concept formation and synthesis. Through presentations from various disciplines – including philosophy, biology, geoinformatics, sociology, economics and health sciences – and detailed discussions, the participants exchanged views on the respective conceptual understanding of the different disciplines.

Workshop programme

Participants of the workshop
© JICE – Kilian Topp

The concept of individualisation in changing environments

InChangE Workshop

Participants of the joint project InChangE met for a workshop on Thursday, 13 January 2022, to exchange views on how "individualisation" is understood and interpreted in different scientific disciplines.

The event was organised by the project members Prof. Dr. Marie Kaiser and Prof. Dr. Annette Malsch and took place in a hybrid format: Some participants came together in Building X at Bielefeld University, observing current safety regulations, while others joined virtually.

During the workshop, speakers from various disciplines provided insightful insights into the understanding of the concept of individualisation in their respective fields - including biology, philosophy, psychology, health sciences, sociology, economics, medicine and psychiatry. In addition, detailed discussions focused on the differences and similarities in the understanding of the term between the different disciplines.

Workshop programme [de]