JICE Seed Funding
The Joint Institute for Individualisation in a Changing Environment (JICE) offers Seed Funding for innovative research projects addressing causes, mechanisms or consequences of individualisation within natural sciences, social sciences or humanities. The programme aims to advance the understanding of individualisation processes in changing environments and their broad applicability across disciplines and species.
Funding Volume
Successful proposals will be funded with up to 10,000 € each.
Who can apply?
The programme is open to applicants from all career levels. To be eligible for funding, at least one applicant needs to be associated with the University of Münster or Bielefeld University.
How to apply?
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis by the JICE Steering Committee until the total funding volume has been expended. If you plan to apply, please inform us in advance about the intended timing and the amount of funds required: contact@jice.info
After prior consultation, please submit a project proposal (max. 2 pages) as a PDF file for official application to: contact@jice.info
In your proposal, please include:
- your research question in the context of the current state of knowledge in the academic field(s) it concerns
- brief description of your methodological approach
- expected outcomes (e.g. whether your project serves as a proof-of-concept for future projects, is needed to gather data for a wider-ranging project or for a stand-alone project) and how you are going to use these (e.g. paper publication, pre-registration of future project)
- approximate outline of what the funds will be used for (e.g. consumables, research assistants) and time schedule for the project
- impact statement: how is the project integrated into your current work, which effects will it have on your overall work, career or academic profile?
For further information:
Dr. Tobias Zimmermann
Scientific Coordinator