
Navigation forms a central element in website design.

The main navigation is the only navigation level that is displayed on all web pages of a site.

The subnavigation opens by clicking on a main navigation entry on the right side.

Below the subnavigation there is another navigation level, it forms the lowest level of the navigation, so to speak.

You can populate the quick access at the bottom of the page via the "Quick access" tab in the navigation settings.

Here is a diagram of the navigation levels:

Imperia navigation levels diagram
© Uni MS IT
Diagram Imperia Functional Area
© Uni MS IT

You can create the functional area, among other things, using various modules via the "Input options for the functional area" in the editing step.









Screenshot fast navigation
© Uni MS IT

By mouseover on a main navigation entry you can also quickly switch to the lowest navigation level. The advantage of this is that the web pages do not have to build up in between.