Who is who

© Sophia Nomicos

Dr. Sophia Nomicos

Associate Director

Sophia Nomicos currently surveys the size and structure of the graves, burial goods, grave-markers and tombstones, and others, in the Saronic region. Her new book, "Laurion: Montan- und siedlungsarchäologische Studien zum antiken Blei-Silberbergbau" (2021) explores resource exploitation in Laureion, southern Attica.


© Marian Helm

Dr. Marian Helm

Associate Director

Marian Helm comes to the team with a research expertise in the history and political ecology in central Italy. His new book, "Kampf um Mittelitalien: Roms ungerader Weg zur Großmacht" (2021) employs Central Place Theory to chart the convoluted exchanges between communities in a dense natural environment. His current project traces lines of religious alignment and misalignment across the Saronic.

© Samuel Garlland

Dr. Samuel Gartland

Research Associate

Samuel Gartland’s work focusses on the way in which environment and people interact, and how that interaction plays out in the communities, cultures and behaviours of ancient Greece. He is Associate Professor in Ancient Greek History and Culture at the University of Leeds. 

© Lukas Duisen

Lukas Duisen, M.A.

Research Assistant

Lukas Duisen is currently working on his PhD-dissertation, in which he scrutinizes the relationship between early polis communities in Archaic Greece and their natural environments. He is also involved in excavation and survey work at ancient Amyklai. Lukas has recently completed the European Master in Classical Cultures with a thesis on ecocritical readings of Homer’s Odyssey.