Childcare Allowance for Student Parents

Flyer Studi-Kidz-Zuschuss
Flyer Studi-Kidz-Zuschuss
© Gleichstellung

Dear Student Parents,

Starting in April 2020, the University of Münster will offer a childcare allowance to all students with children. If childcare is needed for several hours or in a pinch when childcare facilities are closed, students can apply for financial assistance from the University to cover these childcare expenses.
The childcare allowance is capped at € 150 per semester and student parent, and € 300 for single parents. The Equal Opportunity Office can provide financing of up to € 9 per hour of childcare.

To be eligible for funding, student parents must submit a written application (PDF) to the Equal Opportunity Office and reapply every semester thereafter for further financing.

The childcare allowance is intended for parents who are enrolled as students or doctoral candidates at the University of Münster and who are not employed in a job that requires them to pay social insurance contributions.

  • Student parents should arrange a consultation meeting with the Equal Opportunity Office before applying for the first time.
  • An allowance of € 9 max. per hour of childcare is awarded irrespective of the number of children who need minding. The total amount may not exceed € 150 per semester and student parent. Single parents are eligible to receive a childcare allowance of € 300 max. per semester.
  • The childcare allowance can be granted in the following cases:
    - for learning phases
    - to attend courses
    - when childcare facilities are closed, also during holidays
    - in emergencies (if the child or day-care provider is sick, the kindergarten staff is on strike etc.)
  • The application must be approved before payment can be disbursed.
  • The applicant is notified about the approval or rejection of the application via email. Please note that the approval of funding applies only to the period specified in the application. The applicant may receive funding for up to one additional hour for dropping off and picking up one’s child. Funding may not be used to pay for childcare services rendered prior to approval of the application.
  • The childcare allowance may only be claimed upon approval of the application and submission of the receipt of payment (invoice) (PDF) from the babysitter.
  • If you are not able to pay the babysitter in advance, you can apply for financial aid through AStA (social credit).
  • Applicants are free to choose their childcare provider. The Equal Opportunity Office is happy to help student parents find a suitable babysitter (babysitter Network).

If you have any general questions about the childcare allowance or wish to arrange a consultation meeting prior to applying, please contact:

University of Münster – Equal Opportunity Office
Claudia Cramer
Georgskommende 26
48145 Münster
Tel.: +49 251 83-29711