Dr. Lars Haalck

Dr. rer. nat. Lars Haalck
Dr. rer. nat. Lars Haalck

Heisenbergstr. 2, room 115
48149 Münster

T: +49 251 83-30530

Consultation Hours

Academic Profile

GPG-Fingerprint: 7CE2 DEE2 33F0 6BD2 0B0E 9F6A 97E5 8482 FBE4 FB58


    Research Areas

    • Tracking
    • Structure-from-Motion
    • Camera Calibration
    • Machine Learning for Image Processing
    • Education

      Ph. D. studies, Computer Vision and Machine Learning Systems (Prof. Benjamin Risse)
      Master of Science (Computer Science), University of Münster


    • Kockwelp, Jacqueline; Thiele, Sebastian; Bartsch, Jannis; Haalck, Lars; Gromoll, Jörg; Schlatt, Stefan; Exeler, Rita; Bleckmann, Annalen; Lenz, Georg; Wolf, Sebastian; Steffen, Björn; Berdel, Wolfgang Eduard; Schliemann, Christoph; Risse, Benjamin; Angenendt, Linus. . ‘Deep learning predicts therapy-relevant genetics in acute myeloid leukemia from Pappenheim-stained bone marrow smears.’ Blood Advances 8, No. 1: 70–79. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2023011076.
    • Haalck, Lars; Risse, Benjamin. . ‘Solving the Plane-Sphere Ambiguity in Top-Down Structure-from-Motion.’ Contributed to the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Waikoloa, Hawaii. doi: 10.1109/WACV57701.2024.00345.
    • Young S; Schiffer C; Wagner A; Patz J; Potapenko A; Herrmann L; Nordhoff V; Pock T; Krallmann C; Stallmeyer B; Röpke A; Kierzek M; Biagioni C; Wang T; Haalck L; Deuster D; Hansen JN; Wachten D; Risse B; Behre HM; Schlatt S; Kliesch S; Tüttelmann F; Brenker C; Strünker T. . ‘Human fertilization in vivo and in vitro requires the CatSper channel to initiate sperm hyperactivation.’ Journal of Clinical Investigation 134, No. 1. doi: 10.1172/JCI173564.

    • Barrie, Robert; Haalck, Lars; Risse, Benjamin; Nowotny, Thomas; Graham, Paul; Buehlman, Cornelia. . ‘Trail using ants follow idiosyncratic routes in complex landscapes.’ Learning and Behavior s13420-023-00615. doi: https://doi.org/10.3758/s13420-023-00615-y.
    • Haalck L; Mangan M; Wystrach A; Clement L; Webb B; Risse B. . ‘CATER: Combined Animal Tracking & Environment Reconstruction.’ Science advances 9, No. 16: eadg2094.
    • Haalck, Lars; Thiele, Sebastian; Risse, Benjamin. . ‘Tracking Tiny Insects in Cluttered Natural Environments using Refinable Recurrent Neural Networks.’ Contributed to the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Waikoloa, Hawaii. doi: 10.1109/WACV57701.2024.00697.

    • Huesmann Karim, Rodriguez Luis Garcia, Linsen Lars, Risse Benjamin. . ‘The Impact of Activation Sparsity on Overfitting in Convolutional Neural Networks.’ In The Impact of Activation Sparsity on Overfitting in Convolutional Neural Networks.: Springer International Publishing.
    • Haalck Lars, Risse Benjamin. . ‘Embedded Dense Camera Trajectories in Multi-Video Image Mosaics by Geodesic Interpolation-based Reintegration.’ Contributed to the Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, Waikoloa, Hawaii.
    • Thiele Sebastian, Haalck Lars, Struffert Marvin, Scherber Christoph, Risse Benjamin. . ‘Towards Visual Insect Camera Traps.’ Contributed to the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Workshop on Visual observation and analysis of Vertebrate And Insect Behavior (VAIB), Milan.

    Scientific Talk

    • Haalck, Lars; Risse, Benjamin (): ‘Quantifying the Behavioural Dynamics Behind the Sixth Mass Extinction of Insects – A Progress Report’. EnviroInfo 2019, Kassel, Deutschland, .