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Religion and Sustainability

The Chair’s team analyzes questions of religion and sustainability at all governance levels. How do religions position themselves to the topic sustainability? How can those specific religious understandings in this thematic field contribute to a sustainable development? And under which circumstances can religion be used as a resource in European and international climate governance (Religion and climate governance)?
Faith-based actors engage themselves at different governance levels, from the local to international conferences of the United Nations. Across religious beliefs these actors formulate and represent ambitious objectives of a sustainable development and offer a different motivation for more environmental protection. This engagement involves opportunities and risks, and is, particularly regarding a continuously religious global society, an important approach to an understanding of local, national, and international sustainability strategies.
There is a close link to other topics dealt with at the chair, especially climate policy.

Selected publications on the topic

  • Glaab, Katharina; Fuchs, Doris (2018). Green Faith? The Role of Faith-Based Actors in Global Sustainable Development Discourse. In: Environmental Values 27 (3), p. 289–312.
  • Glaab Katharina; Fuchs Doris; Friederich Johannes (2018). Religious NGOs at the UNFCCC: A specific contribution to global climate politics? In: Baumgart-Ochse Claudia, Wolf Klaus Dieter [Eds.]: Religious NGOs at the UN. Polarizers or Mediators?, p. 47-63. London: Routledge.
  • Friederich, Johannes; Fuchs, Doris; Glaab, Katharina (2016). Die Rolle religiöser Akteure in der globalen Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte - Von der Präsenz zum Einfluss? In: Politische Ökologie 147, p. 100-105.
  • Glaab, Katharina; Fuchs, Doris (2015) Religiös und grün? Die Rolle von glaubensbasierten Akteuren im globalen Diskurs der nachhaltigen Entwicklung. In: Partzsch, Lena; Weiland, Sabine (Hrsg.): Macht und Wandel in der Umweltpolitik. Baden-Baden: Nomos, p. 95-118.
  • Glaab, Katharina (2014). Religiöse Akteure in der globalen Umweltpolitik. In: Werkner, Ines-Jacqueline; Hidalgo, Oliver [Eds.] Religionen – Global Player in der internationalen Politik?, p. 235-251. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.