Anja Böckenholt

Oberseminar Topologie: Christoph Winges (Universität Regensburg): On a unified version of the Farrell-Jones conjecture.

Wednesday, 20.04.2022 16:30 im Raum SRZ 216/217

Mathematik und Informatik

I will explain how recent work of Calmes, Dotto, Harpaz, Hebestreit, Land, Moi, Nardin, Nikolaus and Steimle provides a convenient setup to formulate a version of the Farrell-Jones conjecture which subsumes its K-theoretic, L-theoretic and A-theoretic versions. Adapting arguments of Bartels, Lück and Reich, I will then outline a proof of the K-theoretic part of the conjecture for finitely F-amenable groups and, time permitting, indicate the necessary refinements to obtain a proof of the unified conjecture. Based in parts on joint work with Ulrich Bunke and Daniel Kasprowski.

Angelegt am Thursday, 17.03.2022 13:40 von Anja Böckenholt
Geändert am Monday, 11.04.2022 18:30 von Anja Böckenholt
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge
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