Elke Enning

Remi Boutonnet (Bordeaux): A notion of spectral gap for infinite measure preserving actions. Oberseminar C*- Algebren

Tuesday, 16.01.2018 15:15 im Raum N2

Mathematik und Informatik

I will report on joint works with Adrian Ioana and Alireza Salehi Golsefidi. We study translation actions, that is, actions obtained by left multiplication on a l.c. group G by elements in a countable dense subgroup of G. Such actions preserve the Haar measure, which is infinite when the group G is not compact. In this infinite setting I will explain how to define a notion of local spectral gap which generalizes the usual (very useful) notion of spectral gap from the compact setting.

Angelegt am Thursday, 12.10.2017 15:05 von Elke Enning
Geändert am Tuesday, 05.12.2017 08:58 von Elke Enning
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