Julia Osthues

Dr. Florian Völlering (Münster): „Random Walks in Dynamic Random Environments“

Tuesday, 18.10.2016 16:00 im Raum SR0

Mathematik und Informatik

Zusammenfassung: In Random Walks in Dynamic Random Envrionments the movement of the random walk is not given by independent increments. Instead the movement is driven by a second process, the random environment, and the state of the environment around the position of the random walk determine the (law of) the increments. This mechanism can change the large-scale behaviour of the random walk from a Brownian motion to non-diffusive behaviour. I will give a basic overview over diffusive and non-diffusive behaviour, and illustrate this with a simple population model, where the random walk is an interface between two populations.

Angelegt am 11.10.2016 von Julia Osthues
Geändert am 11.10.2016 von Julia Osthues
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