Angela Loew

Oberseminar Symplektische Geometrie: Thomas Rot (Köln): Morse-Conley-Floer homology

Wednesday, 10.12.2014 16:00 im Raum SR1C

Mathematik und Informatik

The gradient flow of a Morse function gives rise to a chain complex by counting rigid solutions of the flow. Its homology --Morse homology-- is isomorphic to the singular homology of the underlying manifold. This statement relates the topology of the manifold to dynamical features of the gradient flow. We describe an extension of these ideas to all (not necessarily gradient like) flows and discuss some dynamical implications.

Angelegt am 05.11.2014 von Angela Loew
Geändert am 05.11.2014 von Angela Loew
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge