N. N

Professorin Katrin Wendland (Uni Freiburg): Singularities and topological quantum field theories

Thursday, 28.06.2012 16:30 im Raum M5

Mathematik und Informatik

From the viewpoint of geometry one is naturally led to the study of singularities, that is, of apparently discontinuous phenomena in geometry. Classical examples of such singularities include the so-called catastrophes. The mathematical structures arising in catastrophe theory, on the other hand, are also the fundamental mathematical ingredients of topological quantum field theories. This yields a geometric approach to topological quantum field theories, which will be the central theme of this talk.

Poster Wendland.pdf

Angelegt am 13.04.2012 von N. N
Geändert am 27.06.2012 von N. N
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