N. N

Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie - Prof. Dr. Markus Reineke (Universität Wuppertal) q-hypergeometric functions, Euler products and Cohomological Hall Algebras

Wednesday, 24.11.2010 14:15 im Raum N 3

Mathematik und Informatik

In a recent preprint, M. Kontsevich and Y. Soibelman derive Donaldson-Thomas type invariants from Euler product factorizations of certain q-hypergeometric functions, and relate these to convolution algebra structures in equivariant cohomology of representation spaces. In the talk we discuss a relation to noncommutative Hilbert schemes and to the combinatorics of partitions, and we derive an explicit formula for certain quantized Donaldson-Thomas type invariants.

Angelegt am Tuesday, 02.11.2010 14:15 von N. N
Geändert am Monday, 15.11.2010 11:09 von N. N
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