Chih-hao Hsieh

ETT Fellow 2015
© Uni MS - Vanessa Kloke

Institute of Oceanography and Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
National Taiwan University
Taipei City, Taiwan

2 August - 30 August 2015:

Münster Graduate School of Evolution
Schlossplatz 6
48149 Münster


Prof. Chih-hao Hsieh (Zac) is a Professor at the Institute of Oceanography and Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the National Taiwan University in Taipei City, Taiwan and visits the MGSE as an ETT-Fellow in August 2015. His research interests include:

  • Statistics
  • Theoretical ecology
  • Zooplankton ecology
  • Biological oceanography
  • Fisheries

Prof. Hsieh recieved several Young Scientis awards for his research and was also awareded as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Taiwan in 2014.

During his stay Prof. Hsieh was actively involed in a workshop on"Nonlinear Dynamics in Biology: From Time Series to Knowledge".