President: Robert Hammond
Secretary-Treasurer: Peter Schutz
Past President: Peter Gould

Society Website []


The Canadian Association of Neuropathologists

The Canadian Association of Neuropathologists (CANP) is a non-profit professional organization with an international membership. The Association exists to promote the highest professional standards among Neuropathologists and to act as a source of scientific communication and education in the field of Neuropathology.


2024 CANP Annual Scientific Meeting



Abstracts of previous meetings

The Canadian Association of Neuropathologists - Association canadienne des neuropathologistes (CANP-ACNP)
Free Neuropathol 4: 20 (2023)


The Canadian Association of Neuropathologists - Association canadienne des neuropathologistes (CANP-ACNP)
Free Neuropathol 3: 25 (2022)


Peter Gould - Service d’Anatomopathologie Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus du CHU de Québec
Free Neuropathol 2: 29 (2021)