
Lageplan BildInstitute of Landscape Ecology
University of Münster
Heisenbergstr. 2
D-48149 Münster

Here you can find a map of Münster and the University.
Information on Münster is available at
map of the inner town of Münster (Münster Marketing)

Getting here by plane

The airport Münster/Osnabrück FMO is situated about 20 km north of Münster. There are regularly scheduled busses (lines R51, S50 und D50) going to Münster main station "Hauptbahnhof". The airport Düsseldorf can be reached by train in about 1.5 to 2 hours by train from Münster.

Getting here by train

The main station "Hauptbahnhof" of Münster is situated east of the city centre. There are regularly scheduled trains in all directions. Please check the homepage of the Deutsche Bahn for details.

Getting here by bus

from Münster main station "Hauptbahnhof" to bus stop "Heisenbergstr." take the following bus lines:
line   4  leaving from bus stop C3 - direction: "Alte Sternwarte"
line 13  leaving from bus stop B1 - direction "Eissporthalle/Technologiepark"
Busstop: Mendelstraße

Please check the online time schedule of the public services for details.