• Wintersemester 2024/2025

    In der Regel findet das Oberseminar montags um 16:15 Uhr in Präsenz statt im SRZ 216. Ausnahmen (Zoom, Mittwochstermin, andere Zeit) sind eingetragen. Falls Sie die Zugangsdaten für die Zoom-Vorträge noch nicht per Email erhalten haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an sandra.huppert@uni-muenster.de.

    Datum Sprecher*In Vortrag
    07.10.2024 Enric Sole-Farre (University College London) Hitchin functionals and Einstein Coindex of Cohomogeneity-One Nearly Kähler Manifolds
    14.10.2024 Roger Bielawski (Universität Hannover) QALF hyperkaehler manifolds of dihedral type
    21.10.2024 Thomas Richard (Université Paris Est Créteil) Scalar curvature and injectivity radius
    28.10.2024 Silvia Sabatini (Universität Köln)
    via Zoom
    Positive monotone symplectic manifolds with symmetry
    04.11.2024 Andreas Kollross (Universität Stuttgart) Totally geodesic submanifolds of symmetric and homogeneous spaces
    11.11.2024 Max Reinhold Jahnke (Universität zu Köln) The cohomology of left-invariant involutive structures on compact Lie groups
    18.11.2024 Benjamin Brück (Universität Münster) Group cohomology via tesselations of symmetric spaces
    25.11.2024 Eva Kopfer (Universität Bonn) Ricci curvature, optimal transport and functional inequalities
    02.12.2024 David Witt Nyström (Universität Göteborg) Competitive Hele-Shaw flows and quadratic differentials
    09.12.2024 Ivan Solonenko Classification of cohomogeneity-one actions on noncompact symmetric spaces
    16.12.2024, two talks, each approx. 45 min. Lucas Lavoyer de Miranda (Universität Münster) Smoothing out polyhedral manifolds via Ricci flow
      Tomás Otero Casal (Universität Münster  
    13.01.2025 Anna Dall`Acqua (Universität Bonn) Willmore flows of tori of revolution: fixed conformal class and asymptotic behavior
    20.01.2025 Marius Müller (Universität Augsburg) Short closed geodesics and the Willmore energy
    27.01.2025 José Miguel Balado Alves (Universität Münster) A cohomogeneity one approach to (poly) harmonic maps

    28.01.2025, 10-11 Uhr


    Volker Branding (Universität Wien) Constructing biharmonic and conformal biharmonic maps to spheres

    28.01.2025, 11-11.30 Uhr


    Oskar Riedler (Universität Münster) tba


  • Frühere Oberseminare

    Sommersemester 2024

    In der Regel findet das Oberseminar montags um 16:15 Uhr in Präsenz statt im SRZ 214. Ausnahmen (Zoom, Mittwochstermin, andere Zeit) sind eingetragen. Falls Sie die Zugangsdaten für die Zoom-Vorträge noch nicht per Email erhalten haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an sandra.huppert@uni-muenster.de.

    Datum Sprecher*In Vortrag
    08.04.2024 Stefan Schreieder, Hannover Holomorphic one-forms without zeros
    15.04.2024 Artemis Vogiatzi, London High Codimension Mean Curvature Flow in $\mathbb{C}P^n$.
    22.04.2024 Stephan Stadler, Bonn Rigidity of ideal symmetric sets
    29.04.2024 Renan Assimos, Hannover Remarks on the generalised Calabi-Yau problem in higher codimensions

    08.05.2024 (Mittwoch!!)

    RAUM SRZ 202

    Annegret Burtscher, Radboud Universiteit The many faces of globally hyperbolic spacetime
    13.05.2024 Marco Radeschi, Turin Reading Topological ellipticity of G-manifolds from their quotients
    27.05.2024 Rosa Sena-Dias, Lissabon
    Einstein metrics from the Calabi Ansatz via Derdziński duality
    03.06.2024 Adam Thompson, Queensland Ricci solitons that fibre over hyperbolic surfaces



    Volker Branding, Wien On conformal biharmonic maps and hypersurfaces
    17.06.2024 Trung Nghiem, Montpellier Calabi-Yau metrics on symmetric spaces
    24.06.2024 Oskar Riedler, Münster Eigenfamilies and polynomical harmonic morphisms
    01.07.2024 Alix Deruelle, Paris Ancient solutions to the Ricci flow coming out of spherical orbifolds
    08.07.2024 Jonas Hirsch, Leipzig Bubbble convergence, Energy identity, Geodesics and Index estimates
    for sequences of α-harmonic maps
    15.07.2024 Anna Fino, Turin Strong G-2 structures with torsion
    17.07.2024 (Mittwoch!) Philip Reiser, Fribourg Manifolds of positive Bakry-Émery Ricci curvature


    Wintersemester 2023/2024

    In der Regel findet das Oberseminar montags um 16:15 Uhr in Präsenz statt im SRZ 214. Ausnahmen (Zoom, Mittwochstermin, andere Zeit) sind eingetragen. Falls Sie die Zugangsdaten für die Zoom-Vorträge noch nicht per Email erhalten haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an sandra.huppert@uni-muenster.de.

    Datum Sprecher Vortrag
    09.10.2023 Lorenzo Foscolo, University College London Yang-Mills instantons and codiemnsion-1 collapse
    16.10.2023 Klaus Kröncke, KTH Stockholm Scalar curvature rigdity, mass and stability of Einstein manifolds
    23.10.2023 Sven Hirsch, IAS Princeton On a generalization of Geroch's conjecture
    via Zoom
    30.10.2023 Karin Melnick, Universität Luxembourg Compact, Lorentzian conformally flat manifolds
    06.11.2023 Wolfram Bauer, Universität Hannover Subriemannian geometry and spectral analysis
    13.11.2023 Daniele Semola, ETH Zürich Ricci Curvature, Fundamental Groups, and the Milnor Conjecture
    20.11.2023 Shubham Dwivedi, HU Berlin Geometric flows of $G_2$ - structures
    27.11.2023 Ragini Singhal, ULB Brüssel, today in M4 Nearly half-flat \rm{SU}{3} structures on $S³\times S³$
    04.12.2023 Lennart Machill, Universität Münster Nonlinear and Linearized Models in Elasticity
    13.12.2023 (Mittwoch) Uwe Semmelmann, Universität Stuttgart Integrability of infinitesimal Einstein deformations on Kähler manifolds
    18.12.2023 Jan Sbierski, University of Edinburgh On the uniqueness problem for extensions of Lorentzian manifolds
    08.01.2024 Francesca Oronzio, KTH University ADM mass and potential theory
    15.01.2024 Hartmut Weiß, Universität Kiel, today in M4 On the modularity of gravitational instantons of type ALG

    Marko Sobak, Universität Münster [was on the 29th]

    Haunted Einstein-Yang-Mills wormholes
    29.01.2024 Stéphanie Cupit, Universität Bochum [was on the 22nd] A generalisation of Sylvester's law of inertia


    Sommersemester 2023

    In der Regel findet das Oberseminar montags um 16:15 Uhr in Präsenz statt im SRZ 214. Ausnahmen (Zoom, Mittwochstermin, andere Zeit) sind eingetragen. Falls Sie die Zugangsdaten für die Zoom-Vorträge noch nicht per Email erhalten haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an sandra.huppert@uni-muenster.de.



    Datum Sprecher Vortrag
    03.04.2023 Katrin Tent, Münster Burnside groups and iterated small cancellation theory
    17.04.2023 Izar Alonso Lorenzo, Oxford

    New examples of SU(2)^2-invariant G_2-instantons

    24.04.2023 Nikhil Savale, Köln

    Bochner Laplacians and Bergman kernels for families

    08.05.2023 Christian Lange, München
    Regularity of billiards and geodesic flows
    15.05.2023 Dennis Wulle, Münster Cohomogeneity one manifolds with quasipositive curvature
    22.05.2023 Philipp Reiser, Fribourg

    Surgery and positive intermediate Ricci curvature

    05.06.2023 Gustav Nilsson, Potsdam Topology of Toric Gravitational Instantons
    12.06.2023 Max Stolarski, Warwick

    On the Structure of Singularities of Mean Curvature Flows with Mean Curvature Bounds


    19.06.2023 Polyxeni Spilioti, Göttingen Twisted Ruelle zeta function on locally symmetric spaces, the Fried’s conjecture and further applications
    26.06.2023 Reto Buzano, Turin

    Mean curvature flow and Heegaard surfaces in lens spaces

    24.07.2023 Izar Alonso Lorenzo, Oxford

    A non-existence result for balanced SU(3)- structures on cohomogeneity one manifolds

    SRZ 214, 15 Uhr

    24.07.2023 Francesco Pediconi, Florenz

    A moment map for twisted Hamiltonian vector fields on locally conformally Kähler manifolds

    SRZ 214, 16.15 Uhr


    Wintersemester 2022/2023

    Datum Sprecher Vortrag
    10.10.2022 Gilles Courtois (Sorbonne-Jussieu) Cheeger inequality for differential forms
    17.10.2022 David Tewodrose (Université de Nantes) Rigidity of the first Betti number under Kato bounds on the Ricci curvature
    24.10.2022 Jorgen Olsen Lye (Uni Hannover)
    Geodesics on a K3 surface near the orbifold limit
    31.10.2022 Lothar Schiemanowski (Uni Kiel) Desingularization of weak holonomy conifolds and topology of
    AC Calabi--Yau and G_2 manifolds
    07.11.2022 Stephen Lynch (Imperial College London) Uniqueness of ancient solutions to curvature flows
    14.11.2022 Antoine Song (Caltech) via Zoom, Beginn 17:15 Uhr, The spherical Plateau problem: uniqueness and stability for hyperbolic manifolds
    23.11.2022 Elena Mäder-Baumdicker (TU Darmstadt) Mittwoch 16:15 Uhr SRZ 214, Recent developments concerning the Volume Preserving Mean Curvature Flow
    28.11.2022 Frieder Jäckel (Uni Bonn) Stability of hyperbolic metrics, room M3
    05.12.2022 Sebastian Goette (Uni Freiburg) Extra Twisted Connected Sums and their $\nu$-Invariants
    12.12.2022 Miles Simon (Uni Magdeburg) Initial stability estimates for Ricci flow and three dimensional Ricci-pinched manifolds
    19.12.2022 Anna Sakovich (Uppsala Universitet)
    Towards a space time intrinsic flat convergence
    09.01.2023 Francesco Lin (Columbia University) Floer homology and the spectral geometry of hyperbolic three-manifolds
    via Zoom, time: 4:15pm
    16.01.2023 Cristiano Spotti (Aarhus Universitet) Balanced Chern-Ricci flat metrics on non-Kähler small resolutions
    23.01.2023 Konstantinos Zemas (Uni Münster) Geometric rigidity estimates in variable domains and applications in dimension reduction
    30.01.2023 Melanie Rupflin (University of Oxford) Quantitative estimates for almost harmonic maps
    13.02.2023 David González Alvaro (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
    Positive k-th intermediate Ricci curvature on homogeneous spaces


    Sommersemester 2022

    Datum Sprecher Vortrag
    04.04.2022 Darya Sukhorebska, ILTPE of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and WWU Münster Simple closed geodescis on regular tetrahedra in spaces of constant curvature
    11.04.2022 Kevin Poljsak, WWU Münster Towards Finding the Second Best Einstein Metric in Low Dimensions


    Henri Guenancia, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse and CNRS Compact Kähler manifolds with negative holomorphic sectional curvature

    Victor Sanmartin Lopez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Isoparametric hypersurfaces in symmetric spaces

    09.05.2022 Linus Kramer, WWU Münster

    Solutions of a quadratic matrix equation

    16.05.2022 Diego Corro, Universität zu Köln

    Yamabe type problems and singular Riemannian foliations

    23.05.2022 Christopher Deninger, WWU Münster Knots, primes and periodic orbits
    30.05.2022 Jan Nienhaus, WWU Münster Torus actions in positive curvature
    13.06.2022 Nadine Große, Universität Freiburg The space of metrics with invertible Dirac operators

    Ramiro Lafuente (University of Queensland)

    Hermitian manifolds with flat Gauduchon connections
    04.07.2022 Lee Kennard,  Syracuse University Positive curvature and elementary abelian group actions
    04.07.2022 Wilderich Tuschmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Positive Ricci Curvature Metrics and Moduli Spaces
    05.07.2022 Renato Bettiol (CUNY) Extremality and rigidity for scalar curvature in dimension 4


    Wintersemester 2021/2022

    Das Oberseminar findet in diesem Semester sowohl per Zoom als auch in Präsenz statt. Beginn ist in der Regel um 16.15 Uhr, Ausnahmen sind eingetragen.

    Falls Sie die Zugangsdaten (Passwort) noch nicht per Email erhalten haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an sandra.huppert@uni-muenster.de

    Datum Sprecher Vortrag  
    18.10.2021 Jeff Viaclovsky, UC Irvine Gravitational instantons with quadratic volume growth Zoom, 17-18 Uhr
    25.10.2021 Jean Lagacé, University of Bristol Spectral geometry, minimal surfaces  and homogenisation Zoom
    08.11.2021 Ved Datar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Some rigidity theorems in Kaehler geometry Zoom
    15.11.2021 Jian Wang, Stony Brook University Topological rigidity and positive scalar curvature Zoom
    22.11.2021 Mayukh Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Billiard flow and eigenfunction concentration on polyhedra Zoom
    29.11.2021 Mario Schulz, WWU Münster Free boundary minimal surfaces Präsenz
    06.12.2021 Louis Ioos, MPIM Bonn Quantum measurement theory over projective manifolds Präsenz
    13.12.2021 Matthias Wink, WWU Münster The Bochner technique for Kähler manifolds Präsenz
    20.12.2021 Matan  Eilat, Weizmann Institute of Technology Rigidity of Riemannian embeddings of discrete metric spaces Zoom
    10.01.2022 Vicente Cortés, Universität Hamburg Quaternionic Kähler manifolds fibering over the real line with fibers of finite volume Präsenz
    17.01.2022 Anusha Krishnan, WWU Münster Positive sectional curvature and Ricci flow Präsenz
    24.01.2022 Uwe Semmelmann, Universität Stuttgart Stability of Einstein metrics Präsenz
    31.01.2022 Gustav Holzegel, WWU Münster Unique Continuation for the Einstein Equations in asymptotically AdS spacetimes Präsenz


    Sommersemester 2021

    Das Oberseminar findet in diesem Semester per Zoom statt. Beginn ist in der Regel um 16.15 Uhr, Ausnahmen sind eingetragen.

    Falls Sie die Zugangsdaten (Passwort) noch nicht per Email erhalten haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an sandra.huppert@uni-muenster.de

    Datum Sprecher Vortrag PDF
    12.04.2021 Philipp Reiter (TU Chemnitz) Elastic knots pdf
    19.04.2021 Dorin Bucur (Université de Savoie) Stable and unstable spectral inequalities pdf
    26.04.2021 Rudolf Zeidler (WWU Münster) Scalar and mean curvature comparison via the Dirac operator pdf
    03.05.2021 Christine Breiner (Fordham) Harmonic maps into CAT(k) spaces pdf
    10.05.2021 Ursula Ludwig (Duisburg-Essen) Witten deformation and Cheeger-Müller theorem for singular spaces with conical singularities  
    17.05.2021 Xiaoyang Chen (Tongji University) Some vanishing theorems on manifolds with almost nonnegative /nonpositive  Ricci curvature
    31.05.2021 Rosa Sena-Dias (IST Lisboa) Uniqueness among scalar-flat Kähler toric metrics on non-compact surfaces pdf
    07.06.2021 Robin Neumayer (Northwestern) $d_p$ Convergence and $\epsilon$-regularity theorems for entropy and scalar curvature lower bounds pdf
    14.06.2021 Luca Di Cerbo (University of Florida) Higher Graph Manifolds and Singer Conjecture pdf
    21.06.2021 Ilaria Mondello (Paris Est Créteil) Limits of manifolds with a Kato bound on the Ricci curvature pdf
    28.06.2021 Karin Melnick (Maryland) Conformal groups of compact Lorentzian manifolds  
    05.07.2021 Caterina Zeppieri (WWU Münster) Homogenisation of variational problems: an overview pdf
    12.07.2021 Yuguang Zhang (Hannover) Pair-of-pants decomposition of general type hypersurface in CP^3  
    19.07.2021 Andreas Gastel (Duisburg-Essen) Regularity questions for polyharmonic maps pdf


    Wintersemester 2020/2021

    Das Oberseminar findet in diesem Semester per Zoom statt. Beginn ist in der Regel um 16.15 Uhr, Ausnahmen sind eingetragen.

    Falls Sie die Zugangsdaten (Passwort) noch nicht per Email erhalten haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an sandra.huppert@uni-muenster.de

    Datum Sprecher Vortrag
    02.11.2020 Daniel Stern, Chicago Min-max harmonic maps and extremal metrics for Laplacian eigenvalues
    09.11.2020 Julian Scheuer, Cardiff A general approach to stability of the soap bubble theorem and related problems

     18 Uhr s.t.

    Guofang Wei, UCSB Ricci flow and $L^{n/2}$-curvature pinching
    23.11.2020 Stefano Montaldo, Cagliari Higher order energy functionals and polyharmonic hypersurfaces
    30.11.2020 Arthur Bartels, Münster Long thin covers for flows
    07.12.2020 Yang Li, MIT Metric SYZ conjecture
    14.12.2020 Renato Bettiol, CUNY Pinched 4-manifolds
    11.01.2021 Dan Lee, CUNY  
    18.01.2021 Joel Fine, Brüssel Knots, minimal surfaces and J-holomorphic curves
    25.01.2021 Joeri van der Veken, Leuven Lagrangian submanifolds of the complex quadric​
    01.02.2021 Amitai Yuval  
    08.02.2021 Keaton Naff, Columbia MCF of nearly-planar submanifolds in higher codimension




      Sommersemester 2020  
    Datum Sprecher Vortrag
    11.05.2020 Anna Maria Fino, Turin Closed G_2-structures and Laplacian flow
    18.05.2020 Klaus Kröncke, Hamburg L^p-stability and positive scalar curvature rigidity of Ricci-flat ALE manifolds
    25.05.2020 Volker Branding, Wien Higher order generalizations of harmonic maps

    Matthias Wink, UCLA

    17-18 Uhr

    New Curvature Conditions for the Bochner Technique
    15.06.2020 Miguel Domínguez Vázquez, Santiago de Compostela Cohomogeneity one actions and inhomogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces in quaternionic hyperbolic spaces
    22.06.2020 Peter McGrath, UPenn Quantitative Isoperimetric Inequalities on Riemannian Surfaces
    29.06.2020 Tristan Ozuch-Meersseman, ENS Paris Noncollapsed degeneration of Einstein 4-manifolds
    06.07.2020 Shih-Kia Chiu, Notre Dame A Liouville type theorem for harmonic 1-forms


      Wintersemester 2019/2020  
    Datum Sprecher Vortrag
    07.10.2019 Jason Lotay, Oxford Minimal submanifolds, mean curvature flow and the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz
    14.10.2019 Fernando Galaz-Garcia, KIT On quotients of spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below
    21.10.2019 Elena Mäder-Baumdicker, Darmstadt Willmore spheres are unstable
    28.10.2019 Reto Buzano, Turin Bubbling analysis for closed and free-boundary minimal hypersurfaces
    04.11.2019 Lorenzo Foscolo, Edinburgh Complete non-compact Spin(7)-manifolds from self-dual Einstein 4-orbifolds
    11.11.2019 Thomas Richard, Université Paris-Est Créteil Synthetic curvature bounds on stratified spaces
    18.11.2019 Panagiotis Gianniotis, Athen Regularity theory for Type I Ricci flows
    25.11.2019 Francesco Di Giovanni, London The Ricci flow of warped Berger metrics
    02.12.2019 Michael Weiß, Münster The diffeomorphism group of an exotic sphere
    09.12.2019 Manuel Amann, Augsburg Non-negatively curved vector bundles over cohomogeneity one manifolds
    16.12.2019 Alix Deruelle, Paris A Lojasiewicz inequality for ALE Ricci flat metrics
    13.01.2020 Huy  Nguyen, London High Codimension Mean Curvature Flow and Surgery
    20.01.2020 Fabian Lehmann, London
    Cohomogeneity one families in Spin(7) geometry


    14.30 -15.30 Uhr, SR2

    Maximilian Stegemeyer, Würzburg Endpoint geodesics in extrinsic symmetric spaces


    16-18 Uhr, SR4

    Jason Ledwidge, Tübingen The structure of non-compact shrinking Ricci solitons via heat kernel estimates


      Sommersemester 2019  
    Datum Sprecher Vortrag
    08.04.2019 Jian Wang, Grenoble Contractible 3-manifolds and positive scalar curvature
    15.04.2019 Angela Stevens, Münster Homogenization of the heat equation in periodically layered domains
    29.04.2019 Marco Freibert, Kiel The spinor flow on homogeneous manifolds
    06.05.2019 Miles Simon, Magdeburg On the regularity of Ricci flows coming out of metric spaces
    13.05.2019 Benedikt Wirth, Münster Variational models for transportation networks: weak-* relaxation and flat chains
    20.05.2019 Nina Lebedeva, St. Petersburg Spaces with weak lower curvature bound
    27.05.2019 Jiawei Liu, Magdeburg Stability of the Conical Kähler-Ricci flows on Fano manifolds
    03.06.2019 Kevin Poljsak, Münster Convergence behaviour of the curvature tensor for a converging Ricci flow
    17.06.2019 Niels Martin Møller, Kopenhagen Forgetful classifications of ancient mean curvature flows
    08.07.2019 Jan Nienhaus, Münster Spaces with periodic cohomology rings




      Wintersemester 2018/2019  
    Datum Sprecher Vortrag
    15.10.2018 Joel Fine, Brüssel Examples of compact Einstein 4-manifolds with negative curvature
    22.10.2018 Bernhard Hanke, Augsburg Local flexibility for open partial differential relations
    29.10.2018 Stephan Stadler, München A Morse lemma for quasiplanes
    05.11.2018 Ricardo Mendes, Köln Diameter of quotients of the sphere by isometric group actions
    12.11.2018 Olaf Müller, Berlin New conformal methods at the interface of analysis, geometry and mathematical physics
    19.11.2018 Stefan Suhr, Bochum A min-max characterization of Zoll metrics
    26.11.2018 Guofang Wang, Freiburg A new Minkowsky formula for free boundary hypersurfaces
    03.12.2018 Christian Lange, Köln Existence of infinitely many closed geodesics on closed 2-orbifolds
    10.12.2018 Jan Swoboda, München Analysis and geometry of Higgs bundle moduli spaces
    17.12.2018 Christian Ketterer, Toronto Metric measure spaces with 2-sided curvature bounds
    07.01.2019 Ernst Kuwert, Freiburg The total squared curvature functional for 2-dimensional surfaces in Riemannian manifolds
    14.01.2019 Peter Albers, Heidelberg Symplectic billiards
    21.01.2019 Johannes Ebert, Münster Diffeomorphism groups and the space of metrics of positive scalar curvature
    28.01.2019 Oliver Goertsches, Marburg Geometric structures on biquotients


      Sommersemester 2018  
    Datum Sprecher Vortrag
    09.04.2018 Norman Zergänge, Warwick Convergence of Riemannian 4-manifolds with L^2 -curvature bounds
    16.04.2018 Viveca Erlandsson, Bristol Counting curves on surfaces
    23.04.2018 Klaus Kröncke, Hamburg Stability of ALE Ricci-flat manifolds under Ricci flow
    30.04.2018 Mauricio Bustamante, Augsburg Bundles with fiberwise negatively curved metrics
    07.05.2018 Manuel Amann, Augsburg Orbifolds with all geodesics closed
    14.05.2018 Franziska Beitz, Münster Bianchi-convex functions and rigidity of shrinking gradient Ricci solitons
    28.05.2018 Boris Vertman, Oldenburg Stability of the Ricci de Turck flow on singular spaces
    04.06.2018 Anand Dessai, Fribourg Moduli space of metrics of nonnegative sectional/positive Ricci curvature on homotopy real projective spaces
    18.06.2018 Marco Radeschi, Notre Dame Manifolds submetries, and polynomial algebras
    25.06.2018 Anda Degeratu, Stuttgart Towards a construction of constant scalar curvature  Kähler metrics on elliptic surfaces
    02.07.2018 Anton Petrunin, PSU Convergence of curvature tensor
    09.07.2018 Wilderich Tuschmann, Karlsruhe Spaces of nonnegatively curved metrics
    18.07.2018 Ronan Conlon, Miami New examples of complete Calabi-Yau metrics on n for n ≥ 3.



      Wintersemester 2017/2018  
    Datum Sprecher, Universität Titel
    09.10.2017 Nina Lebedeva, WWU Münster On optimal transport continuity property
    16.10.2017 Julian Scheuer, Universität Freiburg Harnack inequalities for evolving hypersurfaces
    23.10.2017 Huy Nguyen, Queen Mary University London Singularity formation in high codimension mean curvature flow
    30.10.2017 Daniele Valtorta, Universität Zürich Singularities for Q-valued Dirichlet minimizing functions
    06.11.2017 Bogdan Georgiev, Universität Bonn Some estimates on the geometry of Laplacian eigenfunctions
    13.11.2017 Fernando  Galaz Garcia, KIT Sufficiently collapsed irreducible Alexandrov spaces are geometric
    20.11.2017 Chao Qian, WWU Münster The story of isoparametric foliation: From unit spheres to exotic spheres
    27.11.2017 Martin Kell, Universität Tübingen Group actions on spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below
    04.12.2017 Luigi Vezzoni, Universität Turin A quantitative version of a theorem of Alexandrov
    11.12.2017 Tobias Lamm, KIT Expanders for the harmonic map flow
    18.12.2017 Henrik Matthiesen, MPI Bonn The analytic systole of Riemannian surfaces
    15.01.2018 Artem Nepechiy, Münster New convex functions on Alexandrov spaces
    22.01.2018 Saskia Roos, MPI Bonn The Dirac operator under codimension one collapse
    29.01.2018 Matthias Wink, Oxford Constructions of complete Ricci solitons of cohomogeneity one