Uni Münster alumni meet in Rio de Janeiro

The city of Rio de Janeiro was chosen to host the seventh edition of the annual Alumni Meeting of the University of Münster in Brazil. The dinner hosted by the Brazilian Centre on December 6, 2023 brought together graduates with the most diverse profiles: from a newly arrived undergraduate exchange student to a professor who did his master's and doctorate at Münster and who maintains strong research and teaching ties at the University. The plurality of experiences was the principal topic of the meeting, which greatly enriched the conversations. A former scholarship holder of the WiRe funding programme, a scholarship focused on fostering young women researchers, encouraged another participant in the meeting to apply for the next call, reinforcing what we always say about our alumni: they are UM's main ambassadors.
In addition to the alumni, the meeting was attended by representatives of the German funding agencies DAAD, DFG and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation as well as the German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH-SP) also took part in the meeting. The coordination centre EURAXESS, which promotes the research support opportunities offered by the European Union, also participated. In an informal and intimate atmosphere, everyone had the opportunity to connect with others attendees and find similarities and useful information for maintaining academic ties with Münster.
In a brief presentation, the scientific director of the Brazilian Center, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Hellingrath, and the director of the representative office in São Paulo, Laura Redondo, talked about UM's new features, such as the restructuring of research axes, the events promoted by the Brazilian Centre and the calls and lines of funding available to researchers in the country.
The alumni group is made up of graduates from undergraduate and postgraduate courses, including those who were exchange students and doctoral graduates. It also includes postdocs and professors who have completed research stays at UM. If you are interested in joining and receiving invitations to similar events, please send an e-mail to brazil.centre.sp@uni-muenster.de.