The Brazil Centre took part in various events in Brazil and Argentina

A series of events, meetings and gatherings, in which the Brazil Centre was involved, took place in Argentina and in Brazil at the end of October and the beginning of November. The marathon of events began on 27 October with the "Study in Europe" fair. For an afternoon, this institutionally organized event brought together Brazilian and European universities to discuss relevant topics about the internationalisation of university education and closer cooperation between Europe and Brazil. The University of Münster (UM) was part of the large German delegation led by the DAAD and used the event to strengthen its network.

The following day, hundreds of potential students and researchers came to the UM information stand. Anja Grecko Lorenz, Managing Director, and Laura Redondo, Head of the São Paulo Liaison Office, were accompanied by Dr. Christoph Brox from the Institute of Geoinformatics. The trio welcomed numerous visitors who wanted to find out more about study programmes and research activities in Münster. Two days later, it was time for another event, this time in Buenos Aires and with even larger numbers: More than 2,500 people visited the "Study in Europe" fair in the Argentinian capital. It was an intense afternoon that offered personalised support to young students interested in a wide range of teaching and research opportunities at UM.
Also in Buenos Aires, the Brazil Centre visited the International Office of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) together with other German universities - with over 300,000 students, it is the largest and most important in the country. In addition to brief institutional presentations, an interesting exchange took place where topics and programmes of common interest were identified. On the same day, there was also a visit to the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the UBA, with which the University of Münster maintains close institutional contact and plans to stimulate the cooperation. The programme also included a visit to the National Interuniversity Council (CIN), in which all Argentinian public universities are represented, and which plays a central role in the formulation and implementation of university education in the country.

Back in Brazil, more precisely in the Liaison Office of the Brazil Centre, the University of Münster actively participated in the Open Doors Day of the German House for Research and Innovation in São Paulo (DWIH-SP). Throughout the 7 November, the DWIH-SP institutions were able to present themselves to an audience of over 50 people. Several candidates, whose profiles are closely related to UM's, had the opportunity to learn about the sandwich doctorates, post-docs and Master's programmes in Münster. In addition to the in-person event, the DWIH-SP organised a virtual event with a livestream on YouTube, in which more than 500 people took part. This enabled interested parties from other parts of Brazil to familiarise themselves with funding opportunities and research institutions that are part of the German university network.