new DFG Priority Program “Code-χ“: Chitin, chitosan and chito-oligosaccharides and their interaction with proteins of the extracellular matrix and cellular signaling
Today, we were informed that our proposal for a new “Schwerpunktprogramm” (Priority Program) on chitin and chitosans has been accepted by the German Research Council, DFG. Priority Programs, typically running for six years, are established by DFG in emerging research fields “that promise to produce particular scientific gain” in a competitive process based on applications coming from the scientific community. The program committee which prepared the Code-χ proposal was headed by Prof. Hans Merzendorfer from the University of Siegen and included Dr. Martina Delbianco, Prof. Yael Politi, Prof. Alexander Weber, and Prof. Bruno Moerschbacher. There will be an open call soon, inviting researchers from all over Germany to submit project proposals of which up to 30 can be funded. Code-χ will organize a webinar series as well as annual meetings where the team members of the different projects can meet and discuss their research – a perfect opportunity for exchange and the development of new ideas and collaborations. At the beginning of his scientific career, as a young research group leader, Prof. Moerschbacher profited from being a member in two DFG Priority Programs which ran in parallel, one on Molecular Phytopathology and one on Agricultural Phytopathology, two fields which at the time were still rather disconnected. Participation in both programs offered a perfect stage for him and his research, and was of paramount importance in eventually securing him his current position as a professor. Thus, he is more than happy to now, towards the end of his scientific career, support this new Priority Program which can smoothen academic careers of young scientists and firmly establish chitins and chitosans as equally promising and rewarding topics in the German research landscape.