Poster prize: Katharina Eickelpasch won second poster prize at the Poster Symposium of the Structured Doctoral Programme BioSciences
Today, the doctoral candidates of the Structured Doctoral Programme BioSciences of the Faculty of Biology at our University of Münster held their third annual Poster Symposium. Again, it was a splendid event, an opportunity for all the doctoral candidates of our faculty to interact with each other, organised by the largest and thematically broadest of our structured doctoral programmes. And again, it worked. There were intense discussions at the posters, with (almost) no professors around to inhibit free thinking and exchange of ideas, including wild ideas – as Prof. Bruno Moerschbacher had suggested during his short inaugural address. Like every year, a large group of doctoral members of the SP BioSciences had been involved in the planning and preparation of the event, including – against all odds posed by the typical endless German rules and regulations – the successful raising of financial support from different companies. As always, the whole process – a tremendous amount of work! - had been orchestrated by the Scientific Coordinator of SP BioSciences, Dr. Uschi Windmüller, this year supported closely by one of the experienced doctoral candidates, Laura Schmitz-Gielsdorf. And of course, this year again, there also was a poster competition, and our doctoral candidate Katharina Eickelpasch won second prize – congratulations!