Minister Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen visits Münster

As part of her research tour #möglichmacher, the Minister for Arts and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, stopped in Münster on 11.10.2021. Together with the Helmholtz Institute Münster and the Battery Cell Research Production, the MEET Battery Research Center of the University of Münster presented the extensive research activities on future battery development. The International Graduate School for Battery Chemistry BACCARA was represented by Dr Kerstin Neuhaus and Linda Quach, who gave a talk about the research school.
Dr Kerstin Neuhaus outlined in her presentation the most important developments of the past year from the beginning of the funding in July 2020. These included, above all, the establishment of the steering bodies and a review board, which is responsible for supervising the doctoral students and the very diverse research topics. Another focus has lied in the recruitment of young international talents. This has been supported by the presence in various print media, the development of a homepage and the setup and maintenance of a Twitter and now also of a LinkedIn account.
Linda Quach, representing the BACCARA doctoral students and their diverse topics, gave a brief insight into her work in the field of materials development. Her results were already published earlier this year in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science.
Ms Pfeiffer-Poensgen was impressed by the "joy of research" and expressed her satisfaction with the development of BACCARA.