Resources for Students

Below you will find a collection of useful resources to assist you in your studies. If you have trouble accessing any of the links or PDFs, please contact Frau Hötker-Bolte at

"Book Studies 101" Zotero Library

Bibliography of key book studies handbooks, readers, journals and other useful resources. Includes web links (where applicable) and library call numbers.

Style Sheet (last updated: April 2024)

Grading sheet for term papers used by the Book Studies team (last updated: November 2023).

Students may be interested in looking at this before they write their papers. When in doubt, students may also want to consult guidebooks such as Diana Hacker's A Pocket Style Manual or Research and Documentation in the Electronic Age (both available in the English Department library in editions from 2009) or Diana Hacker/Nancy Sommers' excellent handbook A Writer's Reference, which is very useful

Declaration of Academic Integrity

Declaration of Use of Generative AI

How to Email Your Professor

Improve your emailing skills with this article.

*Note that the advice about honorifics does not apply in Germany; it is best to always use accurate professional titles and Ms./Mr. when no professional title applies.

Our esteemed Book Studies colleagues at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz have put together this useful booklet with bibliographical information for Book Studies students: Bücherkunde Buchwissenschaft (March 2022). You can download it here (Bücherkunde Buchwissenschaft 2022) or on their website (Link: