Symposium: Publishing, Literature, and Responsibility
(University of Münster, September 26-27, 2024)
Please join the Book Studies Department for a symposium on 'Publishing, Literature, and Responsibility' from 26-27 September.
This symposium, hosted in-person within the Book Studies department at the University of Münster, will explore the notion of ‘responsibility’ in literature and publishing.
Registration is free and open to all via Indico
Talks will be given by:
Dr. Sophie Haywood – University of Reading
Dr. Shelby Judge – University of Derby
Prof. Andrew Kamei-Dyche – Aoyama Gakuin University
Prof. Caroline Kögler – Freie Universität Berlin
Dr. Sonali Misra – London College of Communication, University of the Arts London
Dr. Christina Neuwirth – Universität Münster
Carla Schäfer – Universität Münster
Dr. Jiřina Šmejkalová - Charles University/Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Contact/conference organizer:
Dr. Chiara Bullen
University of Münster / WiRe Fellow
English Department / Book Studies
Johannisstraße 12-20
48143 Münster
Atwood, Margaret. 2015. On Writers and Writing. London: Virago Press.
Bayley, Sian. 2023. “Puffin Defends “Minimal” Changes Made to Roald Dahl’s Children’s Books.” The Bookseller, 22 February.
Sian Bayley. 2022. ‘Book Publishers Ramp up Activity to Hit Net Zero and Achieve Climate Commitments’. The Bookseller, 23 September.
Carpenter, Caroline. 2018. “Hachette Team Reveals How the Publisher Is Changing the Story.” The Bookseller, 18 October.
Comerford, Ruth. 2021. ‘Faber Launches YA Sci-Fi Prize with Publishing Contracts for Winners’. The Bookseller, 5 November.
James, Lauren. 2019. “Sensitivity readers in traditional publishing.”
Phillips, Angus. 2019. “Publishing and Corporate Social Responsibility.” In The Oxford Handbook of Publishing, edited by Angus Phillips and Michael Bhaskar, 147-61. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wood, Heloise. 2023. “Publishing Bodies Update Behaviour Charter, Expanding Online and Mental Health Standards.” The Bookseller, 2 November.