Sexisms & Bodyisms inside the gay scene

Lucas Deiner

Hey lovelies! On Friday 31 May 2024, we have invited a special guest to give us a lecture on sexism and bodyism in the gay scene. The lecture starts at 16:15 in lecture theatre F2 (1st floor in the Fürstenberghaus; Domplatz 20-22). Lucas Deiner is a social pedagogue (M.A.) at the LesBiSchwulen und Trans* Jungendorganisation München, as well as a lecturer in gender studies at the Katholische Stiftungshochschule München. Using data he has collected himself as part of his qualifying work, he will give us a well-founded insight into how evolved structures and interpretations of the body and sexuality are expressed and disseminated in the gay scene. After the lecture, all those interested are invited to join us at Lieschen Müller (Mauritzstraße 24) and have a drink together - you are also welcome to come along if you can't make it to the lecture beforehand. No separate registration is necessary to attend the lecture. We look forward to seeing you there. Smooches Felix & Markus

Detailed information

Lectures, talks
Fri 31.05.2024, 16:15 (open end)
Lectrure Hall F2 inside Fürstenberghaus Domplatz 20-22
To location map
No registration necessary
Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (AStA)
Schlossplatz 1
48149 Münster
+49 251 83 22280