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Julian Schweers: Modelling and analysing spatial patterns of soil organic carbon stocks on a landscape scale using remote sensing and machine learning. B. Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Maiken Baumberger, Hanna Meyer
Florian Stegmann: Einfluss des Klimas auf die Vitalität von Feuchtwäldern - Eine satellitengestützte Untersuchung des Lüntener Waldes zwischen 1985 und 2023. B. Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Marvin Ludwig, Hanna Meyer
Marvin Renken: Fernerkundliche Klassifikation von Vegetationstypen für eine flächendeckende Kohlenstoffbilanzierung mittels des GEST-Ansatzes im Amtsvenner Moor. B. Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Laura Giese, Hanna Meyer
Fabian Lukas Schumacher: Development of a local data point density approach to assess the area of applicability for spatial prediction models. B.Sc. Geoinformatik. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer, Christian Knoth
Mareike Kretschmar: Potenzial der landschaftsökologischen Bewertung von Kleingartenanlagen anhand multispektraler Luftbildklassifikationen. B. Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer, Reinhard Silvers
Dorian Hennigfeld: Klassifikation teilverschatteter urbaner Raumelemente auf Basis 2,5-dimensionaler UAV Daten mittels maschinellen Lernens. B.Sc. Geoinformatik. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Torsten Prinz
Emilio Sánchez: Satellite-based spatio-temporal analysis of changing vegetation and moisture conditions of a central European bog. B.Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Jan Lehmann
Thalis Goldschmidt: Development of an interactive web tool to improve the understanding of spatial prediction models and their quality assessment. B.Sc. Geoinformatik. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Christian Knoth
Jonas Raabe: Kartierung von Brutvögeln durch Nutzung von hochauflösenden Drohnendaten und Deep Learning. B.Sc. Geoinformatik. Betreuung: Jan Lehmann & Christinan Knoth
Clara Putschky: The structure and relevance of disturbance ecology in pasture ecosystems with special attention to the arthropod occurrence in the pasture landscape “Emsaue Vadrup”. B.Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Jan Lehmann & Christoph Scherber
Milena Jentzsch: Satellitenbasierte Analyse der Zusammenhänge zwischen Vegetationsvitalität, Trockenstress und Niederschlag in einem westdeutschen Hochmoorgebiet. B.Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Maite Lezama Valdes & Hanna Meyer
Jonathan Bahlmann: Utilizing Synthetic Aperture Radar for human rights fact-finding using the example of armed conflict damage assessment in damascus, Syria. B.Sc. Geoinformatik. Betreuung: Christian Knoth & Hanna Meyer.
Lukas Bäcker: Entwicklung einer Webapplikation zur kollaborativen und effizienten Generierung von Trainingsdaten für Satellitenbildklassifikationen auf Basis maschineller Lernverfahren. B.Sc. Geoinformatik. Betreuung: Christian Knoth & Hanna Meyer.
Carolin Bronowicz: Potential of new satellite systems for the detection of gorse (Ulex europaeus) in New Zealand using machine learning techniques. B.Sc. Geoinformatik. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Christian Knoth.
Jannis Fröhlking: Automated detection of marmot populations using remote sensing and machine learning. B.Sc. Geoinformatik. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Christian Knoth & Johannes Kamp.
Pia Pickenbrock: Using UAS as a transfer platform for wildlife radio tracking signals. B.Sc. Landscape Ecology. Betreuung: Jan Lehmann & David Ott.
Y. Qiu: Options for multispectral data processing of UAV image mosaics between the poles of commercial and open source software, by using the example of OpenDroneMap (ODM) and Pix4D. B.Sc. Geoinformatics. Betreuung: Jan Lehmann & Torsten Prinz.
Amelie Wendiggensen: Assessing the potential of high-resolution satellite time series for accurate mapping of land use intensity in grasslands. M.Sc. Landschchaftsökologie. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Marvin Ludwig
Alina Krämer: Investigation of habitat suitability of the Sand Lizard Lacerta agilis at its distribution limit using machine learning and Citizen Science data. M.Sc. Landschchaftsökologie. Betreuung: Sascha Buchholz & Hanna Meyer
Robin Maares: Potential collision risk of a threatened wader with wind turbines - an analysis based on high-resolution flight behaviour data. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Thomas Fartmann
Linda Adorf: Soil temperature in space, time and depth – A landscape-scale modelling approach using remote sensing and machine learning. M.Sc. Landschchaftsökologie. Betreuung: Maiken Baumberger & Hanna Meyer
Sindhu Sivakumar: Modelling soil moisture under different land cover types using radar and optical remote sensing. M.Sc. Geoinformatik. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Maiken Baumberger
Jan Linnenbrink: Development of a new spatial cross-validation strategy and its application for machine learning based modelling of ecological data. M.Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Marvin Ludwig
Pia Löttert: Remote sensing and citizen science-based modelling of the potential distribution of the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arqata in the Münsterland. M.Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Sascha Buchholz
Lucas Casuccio: Optimizing the allocation of field samples for remote sensing and machine learning-based crop classification models by assessing the area of applicability. M.Sc. Geospatial technologies. Betreuung: Christian Knoth & Hanna Meyer
Maryeme Akhatar: Deep Learning approach applied to drone imagery for the automatic detection of forest fire. M.Sc. Geospatial technologies. Betreuung: Marius Appel & Hanna Meyer
Mareyam Belcaid: Comparison of transformer-based and convolutional neural network-based (CNN) models for remote sensing image classification. M.Sc. Geospatial technologies. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Christian Knoth
Vinotha Kumar: Development of a Transferable Machine Learning Model for Crop Type Mapping. M.Sc. Geoinformatik. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Marvin Ludwig
Henning Schneidereit: Application of UAS-imagery for vegetation mapping in conservation management -A case study of the Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park. M.Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Jan Lehmann & Hanna Meyer
Thomas Klose: Investigation of habitat connectivity using dispersal modelling for the European wildcat in the Lüneburger Heide: An enhancement of previous Least-cost-analysed by circuit theory. M.Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Sascha Buchholz
Edmundo Tulcanaza: Applicability of multispectral Sentinel data for mineral exploration by use of remote sensing and geospatial technologies, A case study in Northern Chile. M.Sc. Geospatial Technologies. Betreuung: Torsten Prinz & Hanna Meyer
Mohamed Elmokadem: Deep Learning for UAV Imagery Segmentation: The Detection of Elymus Athericus Spread in The Hallig Nordstrandischmoor. M.Sc. Geospatial Technologies. Betreuung: Christian Knoth & Hanna Meyer & Jan Lehmann
Boris Stöcker: Deadwood Detection in Ultra-High-Resolution RGB Imagery: A Deep Learning Approach. M.Sc. Geoinformatik. Betreuung: Hanna Meer & Christian Thiel
Marietta Puhl: Spatial prediction of arthropod biodiversity on farmland across Europe. M.Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Christoph Scherber & Hanna Meyer.
Carles Milà Garcia: The spatial prediction sandbox - Investigating the use of spatially-explicit modelling and cross-validation strategies in spatial interpolation machine learning problems. M.Sc. Geospatial Technologies. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Edzer Pebesma, Jorge Mateu.
Mohammad Hussein Alasawedah: Development of a methodology to fill gaps in MODIS LST data for Antarctica. M.Sc. Geospatial Technologies. Betreuung: Maite Lezama Valdes & Hanna Meyer & Ignacio Guerrero.
Raül Raga González: Soil moisture estimation in the McMurdo Dry Valleys using Landsat 8 satellite data. M.Sc. Geospatial technologies. Betreuung: Maite Lezama Valdes & Hanna Meyer & Joel Dinis Baptista Ferreira da Silva.
Milan Prior: Quantifying the tank capacity of bromeliads as part of the water regime on neotropical inselbergs using UAS-based remote sensing. M.Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Jan Lehmann & Tillmann Buttschardt.
Marcel Dogotari: Development of a UAV-borne Lidar System and its application in contrasting environments. Externe Abschlussarbeit. Betreuung: Ralf Becker & Jan Lehmann.
Sam Lucy Behle: Urochloa decumbens and Melinis minutiflora conquering Serra do Cipo - Investigating the dispersal vectors of invasive alien species in a national park in the Brazilian Cerrado with remote sensing methods. M.Sc. Landschaftsökologie. Betreuung: Jan Lehmann & Tillmann Buttschardt.
Yan Lin: SEMI-AUTOMATIC CLASSIFICATION OF TREE SPECIES USING A COMBINATION OF RGB DRONE IMAGERY AND MASK RCNN: Case study of the Highveld region in Eswatini. M.Sc. Geospatial technologies. Betreuung: Jan Lehmann& Joel Dinis Baptista Ferreira da Silva.
Pedro Cruz: Mapping urban tree species in a tropical environment using airborne multispectral and LiDAR data. M.Sc. Geospatial technologies. Betreuung: Jan Lehmann & Joel Dinis Baptista Ferreira da Silva.
Max Gadomski: Possibilities of detecting wild animal species in high-resolution true color and color-infrared UAV imagery based on semi-automatic QGIS analyses. B.Sc. Geoinformatik. Betreuung: Torsten Prinz & Jan Lehmann
Sebastian Holtkamp: Analysis of the Potential of Deep Learning Approaches for Ecological Monitoring Using Multi-Spectral, UAV-Borne Imagery. M.Sc. Geoinformatics. Betreuung: Christian Knoth & Hanna Meyer.
Sarah Lechler: Developing and testing a best-available pixel method for NASA’s Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) dataset to enhance deforestation monitoring in the brazilian amazon rainforest. M.Sc. Geoinformatics. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Marius Appel.
Akhil Jayant Patil: Machine learning approach for spatio-temporal prediction of normalized difference vegetation index towards an early detection of leaf fall risk over transportation routes. M.Sc. Geoinformatics. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Lucas Schubert (DLR).
Shenaha Sivakumar: Analysis of the Potential of ICESat-2 Laser Altimetry Data in Combination with a Global, High-Resolution Elevation Grid for estimating Surface Water Resources. M.Sc. Geoinformatics. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Nora Meyer zu Erpen (Airbus).
Alexander J. Koreneef: Moderne Fernerkundungsmethoden zur Ermittlung der Vitalität wiedervernässter Feucht- und Nasswälder. Betreuung: Jan Lehmann & NN.
Tanmoy Chakraborty: Multi-scale Assessment of Drought-Induced Forest Dieback. M.Sc. Geospatial Technologies. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Torsten Prinz.
Maicol Fernando Camargo Hernandez: Land Suitability Analysis to Assess the Potential of Vacant Lands for Urban Agriculture Activities. M.Sc. Geospatial Technologies. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Judith Verstegen.
Brenda Ayo: Classification and monitoring of informal settlements using open geospatial data. Betreuung: Joel Dinis Baptista Ferreira da Silva & Hanna Meyer & Carlos Granell Canut.
Hassan Mohammed Omar: Ecological risk assessment based on land cover changes: A case study of Zanzibar-Tanzania, 2003-2027. Betreuung: Pedro Cabral & Hanna Meyer & Carlos G. Canut.
Jordan Bates: Benefits in 3D Rock Glacier Tracking Using Oblique Multirotor UAS Imagery with Point Cloud Processing. M.Sc. Geospatial Technologies. Betreuung: Jan Lehmann & Tillmann Buttschardt.
Rehan Chaudhary: A satellite-based analysis of land cover change as a baseline to explain declines in East Asian migratory bird populations. M.Sc. Geoinformatics. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Johannes Kamp.
Saphir El-Kaiy: Evaluating Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope multispectral imagery in a machine learning approach to detect bark beetle infestation of spruce in North Rhine-Westphalia. M.Sc. Geoinformatics. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Edzer Pebesma.
Marc Dragunski: Comparison of spatial validation strategies in machine learning for environmental science. M.Sc. Geoinformatics. Betreuung: Hanna Meyer & Edzer Pebesma.
Fabian Nellesen: A Foss-Based Approach on Automated Obia-Workflow to Classify and Quantify Antarctic Moss and Lichen Communities. M.Sc. Landscape Ecology. Betreuung Jan Lehmann & Christian Knoth.
J. M. Medoza Reyes: Maize Biomass Estimation using Structure from Motion data and Volumetric Approaches. M.Sc. Geospatial Technologies. Betreuung: Jan Lehmann & Torsten Prinz.