Prof. Dr. Philip Bockholt

Prof. Dr. Philip Bockholt

Schlaunstr. 2, room 359
48143 Münster

T: +49 251 83-24571

Academic Profiles

External Profile

  • Research Areas

    • History of the eastern Islamic world in the pre-modern period (especially 1400-1800)
    • Transregional translation processes and knowledge transfer in the Eastern Mediterranean
    • Islamic manuscript culture
    • Historiography and advice literature (Arabic/Persian/Turkish)
    • Religious groups (Sunna/Shia) in the Islamic world
  • CV


    Habilitation (Venia Legendi) in Islamic Studies
    PhD, Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies (BGSMCS), Freie Universität Berlin
    Bachelor of Arts / Master of Arts in Islamic Studies, History and Theology (Bochum, Münster, Berlin, Jerusalem, Cairo, Istanbul and Tehran)


    Visiting Research Fellow, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    Karl-Ferdinand-Werner-Fellow, Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris
    Junior Professor (Tenure Track) for the History of the Turco-Persian world / Emmy Noether Junior Research Group Leader (DFG), Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies
    Research Associate, Oriental Institut, Universität Leipzig
    Feldman-Stipendiat der Max Weber Stiftung, Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris
    Feldman-Stipendiat der Max Weber Stiftung, Orient-Institut Istanbul
    Visiting Research Fellow, The Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
    Visiting Research Fellow, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Madrid
    Visiting Research Fellow, Staatliche Universität Sankt Petersburg


    Classical Islamic World Book Prize in the category Islamwissenschaft (1st prize) – Gorgias Press
    Forschungspreis der Annemarie-Schimmel-Stiftung für Islamkunde in the category Islamwissenschaft (1st prize) – Annemarie-Schimmel-Stiftung für Islamkunde
    Honourable Mention des 2019 S.I.E. European Award for Iranian Studies in the category Iranistik (1st prize) – Societas Iranologica Europaea

    External Function

    Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig (Structural Commission "Africa – Asia – Europe" (AAE), Secretary)
  • Teaching


    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung

    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung

  • Projects

    • TRANSLAPT – Inner-Islamic Transfer of Knowledge within Arabic-Persian-Ottoman Translation Processes in the Eastern Mediterranean (1400–1750) ()
      Individual Granted Project: DFG Emmy Noether Programme | Project Number: BO 5684/2-1
    • EXC 2060 A3-40 - Arabic-Ottoman Translations of Works of Qurʾānic Exegesis (tafsīr) as an Expression of the Inner-Islamic Transfer of Knowledge in the Eastern Mediterranean between 1400–1750 ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence | Project Number: EXC 2060/1
    • SPP 1981 - Subproject: Inner-Islamic Transfer of Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire: on Translations of Works of Islamic Mysticism within Transregional Sufi Networks in the Anatolian and Arab Provinces ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Priority Programme | Project Number: BO 5684/1-1
    • Texts as Living Objects: Reconsidering "Dhayls" as a Means for the Study of Knowledge Transmission in the Pre-Modern Islamic World, 22.-24. November 2023, Paris ()
      Scientific Event: Fritz Thyssen Foundation - Support of Conferences | Project Number:
  • Publications


    Books (Monographs)
    Conference Proceedings
    • Alsancakli, Sacha; Bockholt, Philip (Eds.): . Authorship and Textual Transmission in the Manuscript Age: Contextualising Ideological Variants in Persian Texts. 400th Ed. Paris: Association pour l’avancement des études iraniennes.


    Articles in Scientific Journals, Newspapers or Magazines
    Research Articles (Journals)
    • Bockholt, Philip. . „‚Weglassen, wovor man sich eher hüten sollte‘: Zu inhaltlichen Veränderungen in der offiziellen Übersetzung einer safavidischen Weltchronik ins Türkische im Istanbul der ‚Tulpenzeit‘.“ Der Islam - Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Kultur des Islamischen Orients 100, No. 1: 252–301. doi: 10.1515/islam-2023-0002.
    • Bockholt, Philip. . ‘So Close and Yet Often so Far Away: the History of India as Told by Historians in Iran around 1500.’ Iran. Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies 59, No. 2: 187–202. doi: 10.1080/05786967.2021.1911733.
    • Bockholt, Philip. . ‘Same But Different? On Copies of the General History Ḥabīb al-siyar in Saint Petersburg Manuscript Collections.’ Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies 11, No. 1: 52–63.
    Review Articles (Journals)
    Research Articles in Edited Proceedings (Conferences)
    • Bockholt, Philip. . ‘Shah Ṭahmāsp and the Taẕkira: A Sixteenth-Century Ruler’s Justification of his Policies.’ In Rulers as Authors in the Islamic World: Knowledge, Authority and Legitimacy, edited by Fierro, Maribel; Brentjes, Sonja; Seidensticker, Tilman, 631–655. Leiden/Boston: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004690615_021.
    • Bockholt, Philip. . ‘One Text in Many Versions: The Persian World History Ḥabīb al-Siyar and its Textual Transmission during the Manuscript Age.’ In Authorship and Textual Transmission in the Manuscript Age: Contextualising Ideological Variants in Persian Texts, edited by Bockholt, Philip; Alsancakli, Sacha, 59–105. Paris: Association pour l’avancement des études iraniennes.
    • Alsancakli, Sacha; Bockholt, Philip. . ‘Introduction.’ In Authorship and Textual Transmission in the Manuscript Age: Contextualising Ideological Variants in Persian Texts, edited by Alsancakli, Sacha; Bockholt, Philip, 9–19. Paris: Association pour l’avancement des études iraniennes.
    • Bockholt; Philip. . Lost Somewhere in Between? On the Transmission of History from Islamic West to East in Premodern Times: The Case of the Almohad Caliph Abū Yūsuf Yaʿqūb and the Battle of Alarcos.’ In The Maghrib in the Mashriq: Knowledge, Travel and Identity, edited by Fierro, Maribel; Penelas, Mayte, 119–142. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110713305.
    • Bockholt, Philip. . ‘Writing History is a Difficult Task: On Khvāndamīr’s General History Ḥabīb al-Siyar and the Origins of Safavid Historiographical Writing.’ In Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference of Iranian Studies, Held on 14–19 September 2015 at the State Hermitage Museum and Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2: Studies on Iran and the Persianate World after Islam, edited by Yastrebova, Olga M., 69–75. St. Petersburg: State Hermitage Museum.
    Book Contributions
    Review Articles (Book Contributions)
    • Bockholt, Philip. . ‘Muhammad Qasim Firishta.’ In Traditions of History Writing in India, edited by Abha Singh, 232–242. New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open University.
    Entries in Encyclopediae (Book Contributions)
  • Supervised Doctoral Studies

    Bouhadi, HichamInner-Islamic Transmission of Knowledge in the Eastern Mediterranean: On Arabic-Ottoman Translations of Biographical and Hagiographical Dictionaries between 1400 and 1750
    Sofu, Muhammed HuseyinInner-Islamic Knowledge Transfer in the Context of Arabic-Ottoman Translations of Works of the Science of Hadith (1400–1750)
    Arabisch-osmanische Übersetzungen von Werken der Koranexegese (Tafsīr) als Ausdruck des innerislamischen Wissenstransfers im östlichen Mittelmeerraum zwischen 1400–1750
    Innerislamischer Wissenstransfer im Osmanischen Reich: Zu Übersetzungen islamischer Mystik im Rahmen transregionaler Sufinetzwerke in den anatolischen und arabischen Provinzen