Information about Exams Administered by Dr. Ute Regina Roeder

Dear students,

I am happy to supervise B.A. or M.A. work in the areas of social psychology  and/or pedagogical psychology for those studying teacher education and also from students with majors in psychology.

If you are planning to write a BA or MA thesis under my supervision, then you should:

  •     (a) have attended one of my courses (or at least a course in this subject area)
  •     (b) already have a rough idea for your topic

In the case of a master's thesis:

  • you must have completed the module "Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods" (QQF) since the master's thesis in psychology are generally empirical in nature

And finally (for all students):

  • you must come to me during my office hours as soon as possible to discuss your ideas
  • have given some thought to a timeframe for your work

A thesis costs time and effort. That is why it is important to me that you have a strong interest in the topic, as subsequently, these efforts are easier for you.