Abschlussarbeiten phd
- SS 2023 Siestrup, Sophie: The Influence of Mnemonic Prediction Errors on Brain Activity and Episodic Memory - a Perspective on Memory Modification PDF
- WS 2022/23 Roehe, Marlen: Measures and Content of Anticipation in the Brain PDF
- SS 2022 Hübner, Amelie:
- SS 2020 Heins, Nina: The relevance of incidental and intentional action sounds for the evaluation and neural processing of actions. PDF
- WS 2019/20 Hagelweide, Klara: Serial prediction in Parkinson’s disease: The contribution of motor loop dysfunction to cognitive impairment. PDF
- SS 2019 El-Sourani, Nadiya: Neural Correlates of Exploiting Contextual Information During Action Observation: Evidence from Contextual Objects. PDF
- SS 2019 Kluger, Daniel: Imformational segementation in event prediction: Temporal dynamics and predictive efficiency. PDF
- SS 2019 Trempler, Ima: Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Flexibility and Stability of Prediction and their Impairment in Parkinson´s Diseasel. PDF
- SS 2016 Ahlheim, Christiane: Neural Signatures of Statistical Structure in Observed Actions. PDF
- SS 2014 Hrkać Mari: Actions like company. Contextual embedding of action steps into episodes.
- SS 2012 Schiffer-Maraun, Helga Anne-Marike: Learning from the unexpected. Neural signatures of perceptual prediction errors in the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical loops. PDF
- WS 2011 Wurm, Moritz: Contextual modulation of action perception. PDF
- WS 2011 Kühn, Anne: Neuronale Korrelate der Vorhersage hierarchischer Stimulussequenzen.
- SS 2011 Kornysheva, Katja: Function of the ventral premotor cortex in auditory motor integration of musical rhythm.