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Does the vocal extinction burst reflect infants’ specific attempt to re-establish contingency? Insights from a modified still-face paradigm
Call for Bachelor’s and/or Master’s Thesis
Does the vocal extinction burst reflect infants’ specific attempt to re-establish contingency? Insights from a modified still-face paradigm
Description of the thesis
Five-month-old infants increase their vocalisation rate when the typical social responsiveness is interrupted in the traditional still-face paradigm. This increase in vocalising, also known as vocal extinction burst, is assumed to reflect infants’ attempt to re-establish contingent responses. Here, we introduce a modified version of the still-face paradigm, where a control condition will enable to disentangle the effect of interrupting conitingent vs. non contingent social stimulation. If infants are specifically sensitive to the interruption of contingency, rather than general stimulation, we should expect the vocal extinction burst to be more prominent in the contingent, relative to the control, condition. Results will allow for novel insights into the development of agency, communication, and language. This thesis will be conducted at the Developmental Psychology Lab at the University of Münster. The students will gain hands-on experience in infancy data collection, coding, and analysis.
Eligibility requirements
Very good written and spoken communication skills in English and German. Keen interest in child development.
Dr. Laura Diprossimo & Prof. Dr. Joscha Kärtner
Time frame
September 2024 - June 2025
Application material (English preferred)
A motivation letter (max. 1 page), where you briefly explain why you are interested in writing up your thesis on this particular research topic. A short CV (max. 1 page).
How to apply
Please feel free to address any questions and/or express your interest via e-mail to Dr. Laura Diprossimo.