Allgemeines Physikalisches Kolloquium im Wintersemester 2009/2010
Ort:    48149 Münster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, IG I, HS 2,
Zeit:    Donnerstag, 26.11.2009 16:00 Uhr c.t.
Kolloquiums-Kaffee ab 15:45 Uhr vor dem Hörsaal

The self-organized quantum de Sitter universe
Prof. Dr. Jan Ambjørn, Niels Bohr Institut, Kopenhagen

It is not known how to quantize gravity, i.e. space and time. I will describe the most naive of all attempts, just using what we have learned in the text books of quantum mechanics. It works surprisingly well and the theory can be implemented on your laptop. Thus it is possible to conduct your own "experiments" with the universe and you find a universe which looks like ours down to very small distances, although almost nothing is put in "by hand". The verdict is still up if the theory is just an "effective" quantum field theory or it is well defined even at arbitrary small distances.

Einladender: Prof. Dr. O. Philipsen

Im Auftrag der Hochschullehrer des Fachbereichs Physik
Prof. Dr. H. Zacharias