Nick Lemberger
© AG Fallnich

Nick Lemberger

Ph.D. student

Room 213
Corrensstraße 2
48149 Münster

+49 (0) 251 83 33600

Research Topics

Nonlinear Microscopy and Detector Development

In my Ph.D. I am working on stimulated Raman scattering, which can be used in microscopes to determine the distribution of chemical components in a sample. For such microscopes, I develop specialized photodetectors and methods to improve the image quality and to eliminate unwanted signals. I find working on this topic very exciting because of its application relevance and because it combines my passion for electrical engineering and my interest in microscopy.

  • Publications

    Research Articles (Journals)

    • Wallmeier, Kristin; Würthwein, Thomas; Lemberger, Nick; Brinkmann, Maximilian; Hellwig, Tim; Fallnich, Carsten. . ‘Frequency modulation stimulated Raman scattering scheme for real-time background correction with a single light source.’ Biomedical Optics Express 14, No. 1: 315–325. doi: 10.1364/BOE.476513.
    • Würthwein, Thomas; Wallmeier, Kristin; Brinkmann, Maximilian; Hellwig, Tim; Lüpken, Niklas M.; Lemberger, Nick S.; Fallnich, Carsten. . ‘Multi-color stimulated Raman scattering with a frame-to-frame wavelength-tunable fiber-based light source.’ Biomedical Optics Express 12, No. 10: 6228–6236. doi: 10.1364/BOE.436299.

    Conference Contributions

    Research Articles in Edited Proceedings (Conferences)
    • Tu, Dandan; Lemberger, Nick Sidney; Wallmeier, Kristin; Riseman, Jackson; Kuzma, Benjamin A.; Wei, Yuxiao; Khoo, Ting Chean; Ghosh; Priyanka; Raney, Sam G.; Luke, Markham C.; Fallnich, Carsten; Evans, Conor L. . Dual modality monitoring of topical formulations within human skin using stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscope.’ In Proc. SPIE PC12821, edited by SPIE, 1. San Francisco: SPIE. doi:
    • Wallmeier, Kristin; Würthwein, Thomas; Hellwig, Tim; Brinkmann, Maximilian; Lemberger, Nick; Fallnich, Carsten. . Simplified FM SRS for up to 8.3-fold contrast improvement.’ In Proceedings on the Focus on Microscopy 2023, edited by Focus on Microscopy, 37. Porto: Focus on Microscopy.
    • Wallmeier, Kristin; Würthwein, Thomas; Hellwig, Tim; Brinkmann, Maximilian; Lemberger, Nick; Fallnich, Carsten. . Single-source FM SRS with pixel-to-pixel contrast improvement.’ In 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), edited by IEEE, 1. München: Wiley-IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC57999.2023.10232588.
    • Wallmeier, Kristin; Würthwein, Thomas; Hellwig, Tim; Brinkmann, Maximilian; Lemberger, Nick; Fallnich, Carsten. . Single low-noise fiber-based light source for FM SRS.’ In Proceedings of RamanFest 2023, edited by Phantoms Foundation, 70. Paris: Phantoms Foundation.
    • Lemberger, Nick; Wallmeier, Kristin; Fallnich, Carsten. . A pixel-by-pixel correcting autobalanced detector for SRS microscopy.’ In Proceedings of RamanFest 2023, edited by Phantoms Foundation, 49. Paris: Phantoms Foundation.
    • Kuzma, Benjamin; Würthwein, Thomas; Lemberger, Nick S., Wallmeier, Kristin; Fallnich, Carsten; Evans, Conor L.; Troensegaard Nielsen, Kim; Bastholm Jensen, Louise; Svensson, Lars; Tran, Jean-Luc. . ‘Cutaneous pharmacokinetics of escalating Ruxolitinib formulation doses utilizing a coherent Raman imaging pipeline.’ In Proceedings Volume PC11938, edited by SPIE, 1. San Francisco: SPIE.
    • Wallmeier, Kristin; Würthwein, Thomas; Hellwig, Tim; Brinkmann, Maximilian; Lemberger, Nick; Fallnich, Carsten. . Simplified FM CARS and FM SRS with up to 18-fold contrast improvement.’ In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, edited by International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 82. Long Beach: Materials Research Society.
    • Brinkmann, Maximilian; Hellwig, Tim; Würthwein, Thomas; Wallmeier, Kristin; Lemberger, Nick S.; Fallnich, Carsten. . ‘Multicolor Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy with a Widely Tunable Fiber Laser.’ In OSA Technical Digest, edited by Optica Publishing Group, 1. München: Optica.
    • Brinkmann, Maxilimian; Hellwig, Tim; Würthwein, Thomas; Lemberger, Nick S.; Wallmeier, Kristin; Fallnich, Carsten. . ‘Multicolor Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy with a Widely Tunable Portable Light Source.’ In Proceedings of the Focus on Microscopy 2021, edited by Focus on Microscopy, 1. Porto: Focus on Microscopy.
    Abstracts in Digital Collections (Conferences)