Nick Lemberger
© AG Fallnich

Nick Lemberger


Raum 213
Corrensstraße 2
48149 Münster

+49 (0) 251 83 33600


Nichtlineare Mikroskopie und Detektorentwicklung

In meiner Promotion beschäftige ich mich mit der stimulierten Raman-Streuung, welche in Mikroskopen genutzt werden kann, um die Verteilung chemischer Komponenten in einer Probe herauszufinden. Für solche Mikroskope entwickele ich spezialisierte Photodetektoren und Methoden, um die Bildqualität zu verbessern und Störeinflüsse herauszurechnen. Die Arbeit an diesem Thema finde ich sehr spannend, da es meine Leidenschaft zur Elektrotechnik und mein Interesse an der Mikroskopie kombiniert, sowie einen direkten Anwendungsbezug hat.


  • Publikationen

    Forschungsartikel (Zeitschriften)

    • Wallmeier, Kristin; Würthwein, Thomas; Lemberger, Nick; Brinkmann, Maximilian; Hellwig, Tim; Fallnich, Carsten. . ‘Frequency modulation stimulated Raman scattering scheme for real-time background correction with a single light source.’ Biomedical Optics Express 14, Nr. 1: 315–325. doi: 10.1364/BOE.476513.
    • Würthwein, Thomas; Wallmeier, Kristin; Brinkmann, Maximilian; Hellwig, Tim; Lüpken, Niklas M.; Lemberger, Nick S.; Fallnich, Carsten. . ‘Multi-color stimulated Raman scattering with a frame-to-frame wavelength-tunable fiber-based light source.’ Biomedical Optics Express 12, Nr. 10: 6228–6236. doi: 10.1364/BOE.436299.


    Forschungsartikel in Sammelbänden (Konferenzen)
    • Tu, Dandan; Lemberger, Nick Sidney; Wallmeier, Kristin; Riseman, Jackson; Kuzma, Benjamin A.; Wei, Yuxiao; Khoo, Ting Chean; Ghosh; Priyanka; Raney, Sam G.; Luke, Markham C.; Fallnich, Carsten; Evans, Conor L. . Dual modality monitoring of topical formulations within human skin using stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscope.’ In Proc. SPIE PC12821, edited by SPIE, 1. San Francisco: SPIE. doi:
    • Wallmeier, Kristin; Würthwein, Thomas; Hellwig, Tim; Brinkmann, Maximilian; Lemberger, Nick; Fallnich, Carsten. . Simplified FM SRS for up to 8.3-fold contrast improvement.’ In Proceedings on the Focus on Microscopy 2023, edited by Focus on Microscopy, 37. Porto: Focus on Microscopy.
    • Wallmeier, Kristin; Würthwein, Thomas; Hellwig, Tim; Brinkmann, Maximilian; Lemberger, Nick; Fallnich, Carsten. . Single-source FM SRS with pixel-to-pixel contrast improvement.’ In 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), edited by IEEE, 1. München: Wiley-IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC57999.2023.10232588.
    • Wallmeier, Kristin; Würthwein, Thomas; Hellwig, Tim; Brinkmann, Maximilian; Lemberger, Nick; Fallnich, Carsten. . Single low-noise fiber-based light source for FM SRS.’ In Proceedings of RamanFest 2023, edited by Phantoms Foundation, 70. Paris: Phantoms Foundation.
    • Lemberger, Nick; Wallmeier, Kristin; Fallnich, Carsten. . A pixel-by-pixel correcting autobalanced detector for SRS microscopy.’ In Proceedings of RamanFest 2023, edited by Phantoms Foundation, 49. Paris: Phantoms Foundation.
    • Kuzma, Benjamin; Würthwein, Thomas; Lemberger, Nick S., Wallmeier, Kristin; Fallnich, Carsten; Evans, Conor L.; Troensegaard Nielsen, Kim; Bastholm Jensen, Louise; Svensson, Lars; Tran, Jean-Luc. . ‘Cutaneous pharmacokinetics of escalating Ruxolitinib formulation doses utilizing a coherent Raman imaging pipeline.’ In Proceedings Volume PC11938, edited by SPIE, 1. San Francisco: SPIE.
    • Wallmeier, Kristin; Würthwein, Thomas; Hellwig, Tim; Brinkmann, Maximilian; Lemberger, Nick; Fallnich, Carsten. . Simplified FM CARS and FM SRS with up to 18-fold contrast improvement.’ In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, edited by International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 82. Long Beach: Materials Research Society.
    • Brinkmann, Maximilian; Hellwig, Tim; Würthwein, Thomas; Wallmeier, Kristin; Lemberger, Nick S.; Fallnich, Carsten. . ‘Multicolor Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy with a Widely Tunable Fiber Laser.’ In OSA Technical Digest, edited by Optica Publishing Group, 1. München: Optica.
    • Brinkmann, Maxilimian; Hellwig, Tim; Würthwein, Thomas; Lemberger, Nick S.; Wallmeier, Kristin; Fallnich, Carsten. . ‘Multicolor Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy with a Widely Tunable Portable Light Source.’ In Proceedings of the Focus on Microscopy 2021, edited by Focus on Microscopy, 1. Porto: Focus on Microscopy.
    Abstracts in Online-Sammlungen (Konferenzen)