in press
Hertel, G., Fisher, S. & Van Fossen, J. (in press). Motivated Trust in AI: An integrative model considering multiple stakeholder views in HRM. Research in Human Resource Management.
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly used across human resource management (HRM) functions, yet successful integration is contingent upon these tools being trusted within the organizations. Whereas longstanding cognitive models of trust have been extended to technology and AI as references of trust, motivational influences on trust in technologies have been neglected thus far. However, the consideration of motivational drivers is particularly important to understand and predict different stakeholder views on trust in AI. We integrate cognitive frameworks of trust in AI with more recent approaches of trust motivation stemming from interpersonal trust research. Based on this new integrative model, we specify motivational drivers and cognitive processes for trust in AI for four separate HRM stakeholder perspectives: the employer, decision makers, decision targets, and HR professionals. Particularly the perspective of HR professionals has been neglected so far, despite the fact that this group is often closely involved with the implementation of AI systems and may see considerable changes to their job tasks after AI adoption. We discuss the theoretical implications of the different stakeholder perspectives for future research and outline specific practical implications of our integrative model.
Müller, L. S. & Hertel, G. (online first 2023). Trusting information systems in everyday work events – Effect on cognitive resources, performance, and well-being. Ergonomics.
Niemann, L., Naudascher, H., Kuyumcu, U., & Hertel, G. (online first 2024). “How Long Are You Gonna Stay?” Implications of Residents’ Perceptions of Refugees’ Occupational Future Time Perspective in Receiving Countries. Journal of International Migration and Integration.
Eisbach, S., Mai, O., Hertel, G. (2024). Combining theoretical modelling and machine learning approaches: The case of teamwork effects on individual effort expenditure, New Ideas in Psychology, 73, 101077,
Müller, L. S., Nohe, C., Reiners, S., Becker, J., & Hertel, G. (2024). Adopting information systems at work: a longitudinal examination of trust dynamics, antecedents, and outcomes. Behaviour & Information Technology, 43(6), 1096–1128.
Niemann, L., Hertel, G. (2024). Perceived forcedness and perils of migration: Development and validation of a questionnaire for migrants in receiving countries, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 99, 101951, Link zum Paper
Onyshi, I. E., Nohe, C., Ugwu, F. O., Amazue, L. O. & Hertel, G. (2024). When high work engagement is negative for family tasks: mechanisms and boundary conditions. Frontiers in Psychology.
Röseler, S., Hertel. G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2024). What about the “soft factors”? Longitudinal effects of leadership behaviors on psychological resources of firefighters. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 111, 104720.
Röseler, S., Hilbert, M., Hertel, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2024). Getting the Most Out of Every Training Day: The Influence of Instructors on Self-Regulated Learning During Firefighter Leadership Courses. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science.
Sondern, D., & Hertel, G. (2024). Revisiting the classic ABI model of trustworthiness: interactive effects of trustworthiness components on trust in mixed-motive social exchange contexts. Journal of Trust Research, 1–24.
Von der Linde, M., & Thielsch, M. T. (2024). Laypeople in fire protection: Their motivation, their emotions, their value. Fire Safety Journal, 142, 104047.
Wehrle, K., Kira, M., Klehe, U.-C., & Hertel, G. (2024). Scorched Earth: Employers’ Breached Trust in Refugees’ Labor Market Integration. Business & Society, 63(1), 60-107.
Eisbach, S., Daugs, F., Thielsch, M. T., Böhmer, M., & Hertel, G. (2023). Predicting Rating Distributions of Website Aesthetics with Deep Learning for AI-Based Research. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI). 30, 3, Article 37, 1-28.
Eisbach, S., Langer, M., Hertel, G. (2023). Optimizing human-AI collaboration: Effects of motivation and accuracy information in AI-supported decision-making. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans, 1(2), 100015.
Göcke, M., Kirschner, T., Röseler, S., Hagemann, K. & Thielsch, M. T. (2023). Kompetenzen von Ausbildenden in der nichtpolizeilichen Gefahrenabwehr. BRANDSchutz/Deutsche Feuerwehr-Zeitung, 77(11), 801-806.
Höddinghaus, M., Nohe, C., & Hertel, G. (2023): Leadership in virtual work settings: what we know, what we do not know, and what we need to do. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 33(2), 188-212,
Jung, N. N., von der Linde, M. & Thielsch, M. T. (2023). Optimized Visualization of Building Fire Risks through Mobile Application. Proceedings of Mensch und Computer, 412-416. New York: ACM.
Müller, L. S., Reiners, S., Becker, J., & Hertel, G. (2023). Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 on Work Routines and Organizational Culture – A Case Study within Higher Education’s Administration. Journal of Business Research, Volume 163, 113927.
Niemann, L. & Hertel, G. (2023). Refugees’ occupational future time perspective: Implications for their integration in receiving countries. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, (5), 100139.
Nospickel, P. M., von der Linde, M., Göcke, M. & Thielsch, M. T. (2023). Alarmierung von Einsatzkräften: Smartphone-Apps als sinnvolle Ergänzung oder Alternative? Eine Einschätzung aus der Anwendersicht. BRANDSchutz/Deutsche Feuerwehr-Zeitung, 77(3), 168-172.
Rosenbruch, A., Nohe, C., Schwarz, I. & Hertel, G. (2023) Leader trusting behaviours: a mixed-method approach on follower’s perceptions and reactions, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(6), 798-815.
Sondern, D. & Hertel, G. (2023). Building negotiator trust through social presence – Effects of communication media and information reprocessability on trust in negotiations. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 16(4), 290 – 319.
Thielsch, M. T., Röseler, S., Lamers, C. & Hertel, G. (2023). The COVID-19 marathon: demands and resources of crises managers in continuous operation. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 231 (2), 115-125.
Von der Linde, M., Herbster, C., Dobel, C., Festag, S., & Thielsch, M. T. (2023). Creating Safe Environments: Optimal Acoustic Alarming of Laypeople in Fire Prevention. Ergonomics, 1–19.
Von der Linde, M., Weber, S., Ueltzen, G., Thielsch, M. T. (2023). Ein Kompetenzmodell für Beamtinnen und Beamte der Laufbahngruppe 2.2. In Vereinigung zur Förderung des Deutschen Brandschutzes e.V. (vfdb) (Hrsg.), Tagungsband 68. Jahresfachtagung der vfdb. VdS-Verlag.
Abbas, A., Hirschfeld, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2022). An Arabic Version of The Visual Aesthetics of Websites Inventory (AR-VisAWI): Translation and Psychometric Properties. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 39:14, 2785-2795,
Eisbach, S., Heghmanns, M. & Hertel, G. (2022). Künstliche Intelligenz im Strafverfahren am Beispiel von Kriminalprognosen. Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft, 7-8, 489-496.
Hämpke, J, Röseler, S. & Thielsch, M. T. (2022). Is being funny a useful policy? How local governments’ humorous crisis response strategies and crisis responsibilities influence trust, emotions and behavioral intentions. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 13 (5), 676-690.
Hirschfeld, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2022). Impact of crisis communication strategies on people’s attitudes toward behavioral guidelines regarding COVID-19 and on their trust in local officials. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 13 (4), 495–506.
Hüffmeier, J., Hertel, G., Torka, A.-K., Nohe, C., & Krumm, S. (2022). In field settings group members (often) show effort gains instead of social loafing. European Review of Social Psychology, 33(1), 131-170. DOI: 10.1080/10463283.2021.1959125
Niemann, L., & Hertel, G. (2022). Perceived forcedness and perils of migration: Development and validation of a questionnaire for residents in receiving countries. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 89, 1-18.
Nohe, C., Hüffmeier, J., Bürkner, P., Mazei, J., Sondern, D., Runte, A., Sieber, F., & Hertel, G. (2022). Unethical choice in negotiations: A meta-analysis on gender differences and their moderators. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 173, 104189.
Reiners, S., Müller, L.S., Becker, J., Hertel, G. (2022). Measuring the Influence of Characteristics on Decision-Making Scenarios: A Prototype. In: Stephanidis, C., Antona, M., Ntoa, S. (eds) HCI International 2022 Posters. HCII 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1580. Springer, Cham.
Thielsch, M. T., Forthmann, B., Brau, H., & Eisbach, S. (2022). All that glitters is gold: Development and validation of the Product Aesthetics Inventory (PAI). Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.
Von der Linde, M., Nospickel, P. M., Göcke, M. & Thielsch, M. T. (2022). Emergency Alerting Through Smartphone Apps: Functions, Usage and Usability Issues From the First Responder’s Point of View. Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2022, 442–446. New York: ACM.
Vorwerk, P., Herbster, C., von der Linde, M., & Rupp, N. (2022). Brandschutz für Kulturgut: Das Projekt BRAWA. In Vereinigung zur Förderung des Deutschen Brandschutzes e.V. (vfdb) (Hrsg.), Tagungsband 68. Jahresfachtagung der vfdb (113-117). VdS-Verlag.
Wilhelmy, A., Hertel, G. & Köhler, T. (2022). Qualitative methods for studying age and work. In Zacher, H. & Rudolph, C. W. (Eds.), Age and Work: Advances in Theory, Methods, and Practice (pp. 202-218). Routledge: SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series.
BRAWA-Konsortiuum. (2021). Brandschutz für Kulturgut—Das Projekt BRAWA. KulturBetrieb - Magazin für innovative und wirtschaftliche Lösungen in Museen, Bibliotheken und Archiven, 2, 60–61.
Höddinghaus, M. & Hertel, G. (2021). Trust and Leadership: Implications of Digitization. In Blöbaum, B. (Ed.), Trust and Communication. Findings and Implications of Trust Research (pp. 185-206). Springer Nature.
Höddinghaus, M., Sondern, D. & Hertel, G. (2021). The automation of leadership functions: Would people trust decision algorithms? Computers in Human Behavior, 116, 106635.
Lamers, C., Röseler, S., Kirsch, J., Hertel, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2021). Der Corona-Marathon: Was war für Krisenstäbe in der COVID-19-Pandemie hilfreich? Notfallvorsorge – Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe, 52(2), 4-12. [PDF]
Mehlich, P., Brandenburg, T. & Thielsch, M. T. (Hrsg.). (2021). Praxis der Wirtschaftspsychologie – Band 1: Auswahl und Entwicklung von Fach- und Führungskräften. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publisher.
Rudolph, C., Allan, B., Clark, M., Hertel, G., Hirschi, A., Kunze, F., Shockley, K., Shoss, M., Sonnentag, S., & Zacher, H. (2021). Pandemics: Implications for research and practice in industrial and organizational psychology. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 14(1-2), 1-35. doi:10.1017/iop.2020.48
Schäpers, P., Windscheid, L., Mazei, M., Thielsch, M. T. & Hertel, G. (2021). “Like will to Like” or “Opposites Attract”? Management Board Diversity Affects Employer Attractiveness. Gender in Management: an International Journal, 36 (5), 569-590.
Thielsch, M. T., Erdal, D. & Merhof, V. (2021). Recruiting aus Sicht der Bewerber_innen: Ein Vergleich klassischer und neuartiger Methoden im Personalmarketing. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 65 (3), 123-137.
Thielsch, M. T. & Hirschfeld, G. (2021). Quick assessment of web content perceptions. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 37 (1), 68-80.
Thielsch, M. T., Kirsch, J., Thölking, H., Tangelder, L. & Lamers, C. (2021). Fight or flight? Behaviour and experiences of laypersons in the face of an incipient fire. Ergonomics, 64 (2), 149-170.
Thielsch, M. T., Röseler, S., Kirsch, J., Lamers, C. & Hertel, G. (2021). Managing pandemics – demands, resources, and effective behaviors within crisis management teams. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 70 (1), 150-187.
Breuer, C., Hüffmeier, J., Hibben, F., & Hertel, G. (2020). Trust in teams: A taxonomy of perceived trustworthiness factors and risk-taking behaviors in face-to-face and virtual teams. Human Relations, 73(1), 3–34.
Echterhoff, G., Hellmann, J.H., Back, M.D., Kärtner, J., Morina, N. & Hertel, G. (2020). Psychological Antecedents of Refugee Integration (PARI). Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(4), 856 –879.
Gärtner, L. U. A. & Hertel, G. (2020). Age as moderator of the relationship between self-efficacy and effort in occupational teams. Work, Aging and Retirement, 6(2), 118–129.
Hertel, G. & Hüffmeier, J. (2020). Temporal stability of effort gains in teams. In Karau, S. J. (Ed.), Individual motivation within groups: Social loafing and motivation gains in work, academic, and sports teams (pp. 109-148). New York: Academic Press.
Hertel, G. & Meeßen, S. M. (2020). Wie Technologien das Vergessen unterstützen – und warum das wichtig ist. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, Heft 1 2020, S. 38-42.
Hertel, G., Meeßen, S. M., & Höddinghaus, M. (2020). Trust in the Context of e-HRM. In Bondarouk, T. & Fisher, S. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Electronic HRM (pp. 76–81). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Hüffmeier, J. & Hertel, G. (2020). Effort losses and effort gains in sports teams. In Karau, S. J. (Ed.), Individual motivation within groups: Social loafing and motivation gains in work, academic, and sports teams (pp. 223-258). New York: Academic Press.
Meeßen, S. M., Thielsch, M. T. & Hertel, G. (2020). Trust in Management Information Systems (MIS): A Theoretical Model. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 64 (1), 6-16.
Meeßen, S.M., Thielsch, M. T., Riehle, D. M. & Hertel, G. (2020). Trust is Essential: Positive Effects of Information Systems on Users’ Memory require Trust in the System. Ergonomics, 63 (7), 909-926.
Müller, L. S., Meeßen, S. M., Thielsch, M. T., Nohe, C., Riehle, D. M., & Hertel, G. (2020). Do not Disturb! Trust in Decision Support Systems improves work outcomes under certain conditions. MuC '20: Proceedings of the Conference on Mensch und Computer 2020, pp. 229–237. New York: ACM.
Niemann, L. & Thielsch, M. T. (2020). Evaluation of Basic Trainings for Rescue Forces. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 17 (3).
Röseler, S., Felske, H. & Thielsch, M. T. (2020). Feedback-Instrument zur Rettungskräfte-Entwicklung – Seminare und Tagesveranstaltungen (FIRE-ST). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS).
Röseler, S., Thölking, H., Hagel, M. & Thielsch, M. T. (2020). Feedback-Instrument zur Rettungskräfte-Entwicklung – Einsatzübungen (FIRE-E). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen.
Röseler, S., Weber S. & Thielsch, M. T. (2020). Feedback-Instrumente zur Rettungskräfte-Entwicklung (»FIRE«): Toolbox zur Evaluation der Feuerwehrausbildung. BRANDSchutz/Deutsche Feuerwehr-Zeitung, 74(12), 974-979.
Thielsch, M. T. & Hadzihalilovic, D. (2020). Evaluation of Fire Service Command Unit Trainings. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science.
Thielsch, M. T., Hadzihalilovic, D., Jaquet, T., & Lamers, C. (2020). Feedback-Instrument zur Rettungskräfte-Entwicklung – Führungsstab (FIRE-CU). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen.
Thielsch, M. T. & Salaschek, M. (2020). Toolbox zur Website-Evaluation: Erfassung der User Experience von Online-Gesundheitsinformationen. Bundesgesundheitsblatt.
Borg, I., Hertel, G., Krumm, S. & Bilsky, W. (2019). Work values and Facet Theory: From intercorrelations to individuals. International Studies of Management & Organization, 49, 283-302.
Dames, H., Hirschfeld, G., Sackmann, T. & Thielsch, M. T. (2019). Searching vs. Browsing - The influence of consumers’ goal directedness on website evaluations. Interacting with Computers, 31(1), 95-112.
Ellwart, T., Ulfert, A.-S., Antoni, C., Becker, J., Frings, C., Göbel, K., Hertel, G., Kluge, A., Meeßen, S., Niessen, C., Nohe, C., Riehle, D., Runge, Y., Schmid, U., Schüffler, A., Siebers, M., Sonnentag, S., Tempel, T., Thielsch, M. T., Wehrt, W. (2019). Intentional Forgetting in Socio-Digital Work Systems: System Characteristics and User-related Psychological Consequences on Emotion, Cognition, and Behavior. AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems, 4(1).
Gärtner, L. U. A., Nohe, C. & Hertel, G. (2019). Lifespan perspectives on individuals’ effort in work teams. In Balres, B. B., Rudolph, C. W. & Zacher, H. (Eds.), Work across the lifespan (pp. 437-454). London: Academic Press
Hertel, G., Meeßen, S. M., Riehle, D. M., Thielsch, M. T., Nohe, C., & Becker, J. (2019). Directed forgetting in organisations: The positive effects of decision support systems on mental resources and well-being. Ergonomics, 62(5), 597-611. doi:
Hirschfeld, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2019). Stichprobenumfang und Fragebogenlänge in Webevaluationen. In: Alt, F., Bulling, A. & Döring, T. (Hrsg.), Mensch und Computer 2019 – Tagungsband (S. 543-546). New York: ACM. 3340764.3344454 [PDF]
------------Hüffmeier, J., Zerres, A., Freund, P. A., Backhaus, K., Trötschel, R., & Hertel, G. (2019). Strong or weak synergy? Revising the assumption of team-related advantages in integrative negotiations. Journal of Management, 45(7), 2721-2750.
Klumb, P. L. & Thielsch, M. T. (2019). TBS-DTK-Rezension »S-Tool – Ein Online-Befragungsinstrument zur Erhebung von Belastungen, Ressourcen und Befinden am Arbeitsplatz«. Report Psychologie, 44 (3), 21-23.
Schulte, N., Babiel, S., Messinger, M., & Thielsch, M. T. (2019). Feedback-Instrument zur Rettungskräfte-Entwicklung (FIRE). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen.
Schulte, N. & Thielsch, M. T. (2019). Evaluation of Firefighter Leadership Trainings. International Journal of Emergency Services. 8 (1), 34-49.
Sondern, D. & Hertel, G. (2019). Does Paying Back Pay Off? Effects of Reciprocity and Economic Outcomes on Trust Emergence in Negotiations. Group Decision and Negotiation 28(6), 1053-1076.
Thielsch, M. T., Haines, R. & Flacke, L. (2019). Experimental investigation on the effects of interface aesthetics on user performance in different virtual tasks. PeerJ, 7:e6516.
Thielsch, M. T. & Hirschfeld, G. (2019). Facets of website content. Human-Computer Interaction. 34 (4), 279-327.
Thielsch, M. T., Kläpker, L., & Streppel, L. (2019). Feedback-Instrument zur Rettungskräfte-Entwicklung – Basisausbildung (FIRE-B). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen.
Thielsch, M. T., Scharfen, J., Masoudi, E. & Reuter, M. (2019). Visual aesthetics and performance: A first meta-analysis. In: Alt, F., Bulling, A. & Döring, T. (Ed.), Mensch und Computer 2019 – Tagungsband (p. 199-210). New York: ACM. [PDF]
Thielsch, M. T., Thielsch, C. & Hirschfeld, G. (2019). How informative is informative? Benchmarks and optimal cut points for E-Health Websites. Mensch und Computer 2019 – Workshopband (S. 448-452). Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. [PDF]
Frerker, M., Hirschfeld, G., Thielsch, M. T. & Hechler, T. (2018). Elterliche Reaktionen auf kindlichen Schmerz – Was ist eigentlich normal? Der Schmerz, 32 (6), 434-441.
Gerdenitsch, C., Korunka, C. & Hertel, G. (2018). Need-supply fit in an Activity-based Flexible Office: A longitudinal study during relocation. Environment and Behavior, 50(3), 273-297. [Link]
Hertel, G., Nohe, C., Wessolowski, K., Meltz, O., Pape, J., Fink, J., & Hüffmeier, J. (2018). Effort gains in occupational teams - The effects of social competition and social indispensability. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00769.
------------Hertel, G. & Zacher, H. (2018). Managing the aging workforce. In Ones, D. S., Anderson, N., Viswesvaran, C., & Sinangil, H. K. (Eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Industrial, Work, & Organizational Psychology, 2nd Edition, Volume 3 (pp. 396-428). Thousand Oakes, CA: Sage.
Schulte*, T. L., Thielsch*, M.T., Gosheger, G., Boertz, P., Terheyden, J. H. & Wetterkamp, M. (2018). German Validation of the Quality of Life Profile for Spinal Disorders (QLPSD). European Spine Journal, 27 (1), 83-92. (* geteilte Erstautorenschaft)
Thielsch, M. T. (2018). Websites: Vom Ersteindruck zur Weiterempfehlung. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 4/2018, 43-46.
Thielsch, M. T., Brinkmöller, B. & Forthmann, B. (2018). Reasons for responding in student evaluation of teaching. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 56, 189-196.
Thielsch, M. T., Busjan, J. N. & Frerichs, K. (2018). Feedback-Instrument zur Rettungskräfte-Entwicklung – Prüfungen (FIRE-P). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS).
Thielsch, M. T., Meeßen, S. M. & Hertel, G. (2018). Trust and Distrust in Information Systems at the Workplace. PeerJ 6:e5483.
Thielsch, M. T. & Thielsch, C. (2018). Depressive symptoms and web user experience. PeerJ 6:e4439.
Thielsch, M. T., Wetterkamp, M., Boertz, P., Gosheger, G. & Schulte, T. L. (2018). Reliability and validity of the Spinal Appearance Questionnaire (SAQ) and the Trunk Appearance Perception Scale (TAPS). Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 13:274.
Wohlers, C. & Hertel, G. (2018). Longitudinal effects of Activity-Based Flexible Office Design on teamwork. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2016. DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02016
Borg, I., Hertel, G., & Hermann, D. (2017). Age and personal values: Similar value circles with shifting priorities. Psychology and Aging, 32(7), 636-641.
Bölte, J., Hösker, T., Hirschfeld, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2017). Electrophysiological correlates of aesthetic processing of webpages: A comparison of experts and laypersons. PeerJ, 5:e3440.
Breuer, C., Hüffmeier, J., & Hertel, G. (2017). Vertrauen per Mausklick: Wie Vertrauen in virtuellen Teams entstehen kann. Personal Quarterly, 69, 2, 10-16. [Link]
Gärtner, L. U. A. & Hertel, G. (2017). Future time perspective in occupational teams: Do older workers prefer more familiar teams? Frontiers in Psychology, section Organizational Psychology. [Link]
Hertel, G., Stone, D., Johnson, R., & Passmore, J. (2017). The Psychology of the Internet at Work. In G. Hertel, D. Stone, R. Johnson, & J. Passmore (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of the Internet at Work (p.1-18). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. [Link]
Hertel-Waszak, A., Brouwer, B., Schönefeld, E., Ahrens, H., Hertel, G., & Marschall, B. (2017). Medical doctors' job specification analysis: A qualitative inquiry. Journal for Medical Education, 34(4): Doc43. [Link]
Hüffmeier, J., Filusch, M. A., Mazei, J., Hertel, G., Mojzisch, A. & Krumm, S. (2017). On the boundary conditions of effort losses and effort gains in action teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102, 1673-1685. [Link]
Nohe, C. & Hertel, G. (2017). Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: A meta-analytic test of underlying mechanisms. Frontiers in Psychology. [Link].
Salaschek, M., Vorpahl, H., Meeßen, S. M., & Hertel, G. (2017). Vernetzte Prävention 2.0: Anforderungen und Motivation bei der Online-Vernetzung von Gesundheits-Akteuren. Gesundheitswesen, 79(08/09), V-247.
Thielsch, M. T. & Wirth, M. (2017). Web-based annual reports at first contact: corporate image and aesthetics. Technical Communication, 64 (4), 282-296.
Wetterkamp, M., Thielsch, M. T., Gosheger, G., Boertz, P., Terheyden, J.H., Schulte, T. L. (2017). German Validation of the BIDQ-S questionnaire on body image disturbance in idiopathic scoliosis. European Spine Journal, 26(2), 309-315.
Wohlers, C., Hartner-Tiefenthaler, M. & Hertel, G. (2017). The Relation between Activity-based Work Environments and Office Workers’ Job Attitudes and Vitality. Environment & Behavior, 51(2), 167-198. [Link]
Wohlers, C. & Hertel, G. (2017). Choosing where to work at work – Towards a theoretical model of benefits and risks of activity-based flexible offices. Ergonomics, 4, 467-486.
Breuer, C., Hüffmeier, J., & Hertel, G. (2016). Does trust matter more in virtual teams? A meta-analysis of trust and team effectiveness considering virtuality and documentation as moderators. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101, 1151–1177.
Douneva, M., Jaron, R. & Thielsch, M. T. (2016). Effects of different website designs on first impressions, aesthetic judgments, and memory performance after short presentation. Interacting with Computers, 28 (4), 552-567.
Hertel, G. (2016). Motive-congruency and person-environment fit of aging workers. In Pachana, N. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geropsychology. Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media. doi 10.1007/978-981-287-080-3_235-1
Kanthak, J., & Hertel, G. (2016). Trust Fostering Competencies in Asynchronous Digital Communication. In Trust and Communication in a Digitized World (pp. 177-189). Springer International Publishing.
Krumm, S., Kanthak, J., Hartmann, K. & Hertel, G. (2016). What does it take to be a virtual team ------------player? Human Performance, 29, 123-142.
Mazei, J., & Hertel, G. (2016). Trust in Electronically Mediated Negotiations. In Trust and Communication in a Digitized World (pp. 191-204). Springer International Publishing.
Romeike, P., Wohlers, C., Hertel, G., & Schewe, G. (2016). New Ways of Working: Chances and Challenges for Trust-Enhancing Leadership. In Trust and Communication in a Digitized World (pp. 161-176). Springer International Publishing.
Stützer, C., Hellwig, O., Tabino, O., Thielsch, M. T., Wachenfeld-Schell, A. (Eds.) (2016). 18th General Online Research Conference: Proceedings. Dresden 2016. [PDF]
Douneva, M., Haines, R. & Thielsch, M.T. (2015). Effects of interface aesthetics on team performance in a virtual task. In Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015), Münster. [PDF]
Hertel, G., Rauschenbach, C., Thielgen, M. M., & Krumm, S. (2015). Are older workers more active copers? Longitudinal effects of age-contingent coping on strain at work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36, 514-537.
Hertel, G. & Orlikowski, B. (2015). Project management in distributed virtual teams. In Wastian, M., von Rostenstiel, L., West, M. A., & Braumandl, I. (Eds.), Applied Psychology for Project Managers (p. 305-322). Berlin: Springer.
Hirschfeld, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2015). Establishing meaningful cut points for online user ratings. Ergonomics,58 (2), 310-320. [final draft]
Kaczmirek, L., Hellwig, O., Tabino, O., Thielsch, M. T., Wachenfeld, A. (Eds.) (2015). 17th General Online Research Conference: Proceedings. Cologne 2015.
Kanning, U. P. & Thielsch, M. T. (2015). Wie bilden Personalpraktiker/innen sich weiter? Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 59 (4), 206-214.
Krumm, S., Lievens, F., Hüffmeier, J., Lipnevich, A., Bendels, H. & Hertel, G. (2015). How "situational" is judgment in Situational Judgment Tests? Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(2), 399-416.
Mazei, J.(*), Hüffmeier, J.(*), Freund, P. A., Stuhlmacher, A. F., Bilke, L., & Hertel, G. (2015). A meta-analysis on gender differences in negotiation outcomes and their moderators. Psychological Bulletin, 141(1), 85-104. (* shared first authorship)
Nestler S., Thielsch, M. T., Krasteva, E. & Back, M. D. (2015). Will They Stay or Will They Go? Personality Predictors of Dropout in an Online Study. International Journal of Internet Science, 10 (1), 37-48. [PDF]
Nohe, C., Meier, L. L., Sonntag, K., & Michel, A. (2015). The chicken or the egg? A meta-analysis of panel studies of the relationship between work-family conflict and strain. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 522-536.
Thielgen, M.M., Krumm, S. & Hertel, G. (2015). When being old pays off - age mitigates adverse effects of low implicit-explicit motive congruency on work motivation. Journal of Career Assessment, 23(3), 459-480.
Thielgen, M.M., Krumm, S., Rauschenbach, C., & Hertel, G. (2015). Older but wiser: Age moderates congruency effects between implicit and explicit motives on job satisfaction. Motivation and Emotion, 39, 182-200.
Thielsch, M. T., Engel, R. & Hirschfeld, G. (2015). Expected usability is not a valid indicator of experienced usability. PeerJ Computer Science, 1:e19.