Publikations Prof. Dr. Meinald Thielsch

Prof. Dr. Meinald Thielsch at Google Scholar

  • International Publications (peer-reviewed)

    Röseler, S., Hertel. G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2024). What about the “soft factors”? Longitudinal effects of leadership behaviors on psychological resources of firefighters. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 111, 104720.


    Röseler, S., Hilbert, M., Hertel, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2024). Getting the Most Out of Every Training Day: The Influence of Instructors on Self-Regulated Learning During Firefighter Leadership Courses. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science


    Von der Linde, M., & Thielsch, M. T. (2024). Laypeople in fire protection: Their motivation, their emotions, their value. Fire Safety Journal, 142, 104047.


    Von der Linde, M., Herbster, C., Dobel, C., Festag, S., & Thielsch, M. T. (2023). Creating Safe Environments: Optimal Acoustic Alarming of Laypeople in Fire Prevention. Ergonomics, 1–19.


    Eisbach, S., Daugs, F., Thielsch, M. T., Böhmer, M., & Hertel, G. (2023). Predicting Rating Distributions of Website Aesthetics with Deep Learning for AI-Based Research. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI). 30, 3, Article 37, 1-28.


    Thielsch, M. T., Röseler, S., Lamers, C. & Hertel, G. (2023). The COVID-19 marathon: demands and resources of crises managers in continuous operation. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 231 (2), 115-125. 


    Abbas, A., Hirschfeld, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2022). An Arabic Version of The Visual Aesthetics of Websites Inventory (AR-VisAWI): Translation and Psychometric Properties. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 39:14, 2785-2795,


    Hämpke, J, Röseler, S. & Thielsch, M. T. (2022). Is being funny a useful policy? How local governments’ humorous crisis response strategies and crisis responsibilities influence trust, emotions and behavioral intentions. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 13 (5), 676-690.


    Hirschfeld, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2022). Impact of crisis communication strategies on people’s attitudes toward behavioral guidelines regarding COVID-19 and on their trust in local officials. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 13 (4), 495–506.


    Thielsch, M. T., Forthmann, B., Brau, H., & Eisbach, S. (2022). All that glitters is gold: Development and  validation of the Product Aesthetics Inventory (PAI). Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.


    Thielsch, M. T., Röseler, S., Lamers, C. & Hertel, G. (2022). The COVID-19 marathon: demands and resources of crises managers in continuous operation. Zeitschrift für Psychologie.


    Schäpers, P., Windscheid, L., Mazei, M., Thielsch, M. T. & Hertel, G. (2021). “Like will to Like” or “Opposites Attract”? Management Board Diversity Affects Employer Attractiveness. Gender in Management: an International Journal, 36 (5), 569-590.


    Thielsch, M. T. & Hirschfeld, G. (2021). Quick assessment of web content perceptions. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 37 (1), 68-80.


    Thielsch, M. T., Kirsch, J., Thölking, H., Tangelder, L. & Lamers, C. (2021). Fight or flight? Behaviour and experiences of laypersons in the face of an incipient fire. Ergonomics, 64 (2), 149-170.


    Thielsch, M. T., Röseler, S., Kirsch, J., Lamers, C. & Hertel, G. (2021). Managing pandemics – demands, resources, and effective behaviors within crisis management teams. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 70 (1), 150-187.


    Meeßen, S. M., Thielsch, M. T. & Hertel, G. (2020). Trust in Management Information Systems (MIS): A Theoretical Model. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 64 (1), 6-16.


    Meeßen, S., Thielsch, M. T., Riehle, D. & Hertel, G. (2020). Trust is Essential: Positive Effects of Information Systems on Users’ Memory require Trust in the System. Ergonomics, 63 (7), 909-926.


    Niemann, L. & Thielsch, M. T. (2020). Evaluation of Basic Trainings for Rescue Forces. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 17 (3).


    Thielsch, M. T. & Hadzihalilovic, D. (2020). Evaluation of Fire Service Command Unit Trainings. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science.


    Dames, H., Hirschfeld, G., Sackmann, T. & Thielsch, M. T. (2019). Searching vs. Browsing - The influence of consumers’ goal directedness on website evaluations. Interacting with Computers, 31(1), 95-112.


    Ellwart, T., Ulfert, A.-S., Antoni, C., Becker, J.,  Frings, C., Göbel, K., Hertel, G., Kluge, A., Meeßen, S., Niessen, C., Nohe, C., Riehle, D., Runge, Y., Schmid, U., Schüffler, A., Siebers, M., Sonnentag, S., Tempel, T., Thielsch, M. T., Wehrt, W. (2019). Intentional Forgetting in Socio-Digital Work Systems: System Characteristics and User-related Psychological Consequences on Emotion, Cognition, and Behavior. AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems, 4(1).


    Hertel, G., Meeßen, S. M., Riehle, D. M., Thielsch, M. T., Nohe, C., & Becker, J. (2019). Directed forgetting in organisations: The positive effects of decision support systems on mental resources and well-being. Ergonomics, 62(5), 597-611. doi:


    Klumb, P. L. & Thielsch, M. T. (2019). TBS-DTK-Rezension »S-Tool – Ein Online-Befragungsinstrument zur Erhebung von Belastungen, Ressourcen und Befinden am Arbeitsplatz«. Report Psychologie, 44 (3), 21-23.


    Schulte, N. & Thielsch, M. T. (2019). Evaluation of Firefighter Leadership Trainings. International Journal of Emergency Services. 8 (1), 34-49.


    Thielsch, M. T., Haines, R. & Flacke, L. (2019). Experimental investigation on the effects of interface aesthetics on user performance in different virtual tasks. PeerJ, 7:e6516.


    Thielsch, M. T. & Hirschfeld, G. (2019). Facets of website content. Human-Computer Interaction. 34 (4), 279-327.


    Thielsch, M. T., Wetterkamp, M., Boertz, P., Gosheger, G. & Schulte, T. L. (2018). Reliability and validity of the Spinal Appearance Questionnaire (SAQ) and the Trunk Appearance Perception Scale (TAPS). Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 13:274.


    Schulte*, T. L., Thielsch*, M.T., Gosheger, G., Boertz, P., Terheyden, J. H. & Wetterkamp, M. (2018). German Validation of the Quality of Life Profile for Spinal Disorders (QLPSD). European Spine Journal, 27 (1), 83-92. (* geteilte Erstautorenschaft)


    Thielsch, M. T., Brinkmöller, B. & Forthmann, B. (2018). Reasons for responding in student evaluation of teaching. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 56, 189-196.


    Thielsch, M. T., Meeßen, S. M. & Hertel, G. (2018). Trust and Distrust in Information Systems at the Workplace. PeerJ 6:e5483.


    Thielsch, M. T. & Thielsch, C. (2018). Depressive symptoms and web user experience. PeerJ 6:e4439.


    Bölte, J., Hösker, T., Hirschfeld, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2017). Electrophysiological correlates of aesthetic processing of webpages: A comparison of experts and laypersons. PeerJ, 5:e3440.


    Thielsch, M. T. & Wirth, M. (2017). Web-based annual reports at first contact: corporate image and aesthetics. Technical Communication, 64 (4), 282-296.


    Wetterkamp, M., Thielsch, M. T., Gosheger, G., Boertz, P., Terheyden, J.H., Schulte, T. L. (2017). German Validation of the BIDQ-S questionnaire on body image disturbance in idiopathic scoliosis. European Spine Journal, 26(2), 309-315.


    Douneva, M., Jaron, R. & Thielsch, M.T. (2016). Effects of different website designs on first impressions, aesthetic judgments, and memory performance after short presentation. Interacting with Computers, 28(4), 552-567.


    Hirschfeld, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2015). Establishing meaningful cut points for online user ratings. Ergonomics, 58 (2), 310-320. [final draft]


    Nestler S., Thielsch, M. T., Krasteva, E. & Back, M. D. (2015). Will They Stay or Will They Go? Personality Predictors of Dropout in an Online Study. International Journal of Internet Science, 10 (1), 37-48. [PDF]


    Thielsch, M. T., Engel, R. & Hirschfeld, G. (2015). Expected usability is not a valid indicator of experienced usability. PeerJ Computer Science, 1:e19[PDF]


    Froncek, B., Hirschfeld, G. & Thielsch, M. T. (2014). Characteristics of effective exams – Development and validation of an instrument for evaluating written exams. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 43, 79-87.


    Hirschfeld, G., von Brachel, R. & Thielsch, M. T. (2014). Selecting items for Big Five questionnaires: At what sample size do factor loadings stabilize? Journal of Research in Personality, 53, 54-63. [final draft]


    Speer, P., Wersching, H., Bruchmann, S., Bracht, D. Stehling, C., Thielsch, M. T., Knecht, S. & Lohmann, H. (2014). Age- and gender-adjusted normative data for the German version of Rey’s Auditory Verbal Learning Test from healthy subjects aged between 50 and 70 years. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 36(1), 32-42.


    Thielsch, M. T., Blotenberg, I. & Jaron, R. (2014). User evaluation of websites: From first impression to recommendation. Interacting with Computers, 26 (1), 89-102.


    Hirschfeld, G., Thielsch, M. T. & Zernikow, B. (2013). Reliabilities of Mental Rotation Tasks: Limits to the Assessment of Individual Differences. BioMed Research International, 2013. [Link]


    Moshagen, M. & Thielsch, M. T. (2013). A short version of the visual aesthetics of websites inventory. Behaviour & Information Technology, 32 (12), 1305-1311. [final draft]


    Thielsch, M. T. & Hirschfeld, G. (2012). Spatial frequencies in aesthetic website evaluations – explaining how ultra-rapid evaluations are formed. Ergonomics, 55 (7), 731-742. [final draft]


    Thielsch, M. T. & Perabo, I. (2012). Use and evaluation of presentation software. Technical Communication, 59 (2), 112-123. [final draft]


    Thielsch, M. T., Träumer, L. & Pytlik, L. (2012). E-Recruiting and fairness – the applicant’s point of view. Information Technology and Management, 13 (2), 59-67. [final draft]


    Moshagen, M. & Thielsch, M. T. (2010). Facets of visual aesthetics. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68, 689-709. [final draft]


    Thielsch, M. T. & Hirschfeld, G. (2010). High and low spatial frequencies in website evaluations. Ergonomics, 53, 972-978. [final draft]

    (listed were only publications in English, for further publications in German language please click here

  • Monographs

    Stützer, C., Hellwig, O., Tabino, O., Thielsch, M. T., Wachenfeld-Schell, A. (Eds.) (2017). 19th General Online Research Conference: Proceedings. Berlin 2017.


    Stützer, C., Hellwig, O., Tabino, O., Thielsch, M. T., Wachenfeld-Schell, A. (Eds.) (2016). 18th General Online Research Conference: Proceedings. Dresden 2016. [PDF]


    Kaczmirek, L., Hellwig, O., Tabino, O., Thielsch, M. T., Wachenfeld, A. (Eds.) (2015). 17th General Online Research Conference: Proceedings. Cologne 2015. [PDF]


    Brau, H., Diefenbach, S., Hassenzahl, M., Köhler, K., Koller, F., Peissner, M., Petrovic, K., Thielsch, M. T., Ullrich, D. & Zimmermann, D. (Hrsg.). (2009). Usability Professionals 2009. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag. [Link zum Buch]

    (listed were only publications in English, for further publications in German language please click here)

  • Book Contributions & Proceedings

    Müller, L. S., Meeßen, S. M., Thielsch, M. T., Nohe, C., Riehle, D. M., & Hertel, G. (2020). Do not Disturb! Trust in Decision Support Systems improves work outcomes under certain conditions. MuC '20: Proceedings of the Conference on Mensch und Computer 2020, pp. 229–237. New York: ACM. 


    Thielsch, M. T., Scharfen, J., Masoudi, E. & Reuter, M. (2019). Visual aesthetics and performance: A first meta-analysis. In: Alt, F., Bulling, A. & Döring, T. (Ed.), Mensch und Computer 2019 – Tagungsband (p. 199-210). New York: ACM. [PDF]


    Thielsch, M. T., Thielsch, C. & Hirschfeld, G. (2019). How informative is informative? Benchmarks and optimal cut points for E-Health Websites. Mensch und Computer 2019 – Workshopband (S. 448-452). Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. [PDF]


    Douneva, M., Haines, R. & Thielsch, M.T. (2015). Effects of interface aesthetics on team performance in a virtual task. In Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015), Münster. [PDF]

    (listed were only publications in English, for further publications in German language please click here)

  • Electronical Publications

    Thielsch, M. T. & Moshagen, M. (2014). Manual zum VisAWI (Visual Aesthetics of Websites Inventory) and the short version VisAWI-S (Short Visual Aesthetics of Websites Inventory). doi: 10.13140/2.1.1926.5284  | English Version

    (listed were only publications in English, for further publications in German language please click here)