Short Gnuplot guide

In the following you will find short instructions for the use of Gnuplot with a short overview of the most important commands to create 2D- and 3D-Plots.
You will find further information and help with Gnuplot here: 



Help with Gnuplot

Onlinesoftware for automatic generation of Gnuplot-Scripts

Starting of Gnuplot under UNIX: 

Starting of Gnuplot under Windows:
Start-Alle Programme-Data_Analysis-GnuPlot

Exiting of Gnuplot: 


Setting of output terminal:
set terminal (Liste der möglichen Einstellungen)
set terminal x11 (X-Windows-Ausgabe)
set terminal windows (Windows-Ausgabe)
set terminal postscript (Postscript-Ausgabe)
set terminal dumb (ASCII-Ausgabe)
set terminal table (Tabellen-Ausgabe)

Visualization of content of an ASCII-File (x= first column, y= second column, other columns are ignored):

Visualization of a function:
plot FUNKTION(x)
z.B. plot cos(3*x+x**2)+x*exp(-x)

Combined output: 

Setting of x-Interval to be presented:
plot [Xmin:Xmax] ...

Setting of y-Interval to be presented:
plot [] [Ymin:Ymax] ...

Setting of both intervals: 
plot [Xmin:Xmax] [Ymin:Ymax] ...

Output of data from other columns of a file:
plot "DATEINAME" using xSpaltenNr:ySpaltenNr

Output with y-errorbar:
plot "DATEINAME" using xSpaltenNr:ySpaltenNr:FehlerSpaltenNr with errorbars

Output with x- and y-errorbar (from version 3.6): 
plot "DATEINAME" using xSpaltenNr:ySpaltenNr:xFehlerSpaltenNr:yFehlerSpaltenNr with xyerrorbars

Title of the picture: 
set title "TITLE"

x-, y-axis labeling:
set xlabel "XLABEL"
set ylabel "YLABEL"

Logarithmic Scale:
set log x
set log y
set log

Lineare Scale: 
set nolog x
set nolog y
set nolog

Postcript output of a file
set output ""
set term postscript
plot ...

Saving of all Settings (Creation of a "plotfile"):
save 'Plotfile-Name'

Calling up a "plotfile": 
load 'Plotfile-Name'
oder direkt von der Kommandozeile:
gnuplot 'Plotfile-Name'

General Remarks

All commands can be reduced to the smallest unambiguous form
e.g. pl "x.dat" u 2:4:6 w e == plot "x.dat" using 2:4:6 with errorbars

Columns in files are separated by one or more spaces or tabs

Lines that start with "#" will be ignored (comment lines).

You can download Gnuplot for free here.