Larissa Colombo Carniel

Larissa Colombo Carniel

Corrensstr. 24, room 133
48149 Münster

T: +49 251 83-36132

  • Research Areas

    • Experimental Petrology
    • Stability of smectite under high pressures and high temperatures
    • Crystallization conditions of the perovskite mineral in kimberlitic melts
  • Education

    PhD student in Experimental Petrology, UFRGS Brazil - WWU Münster
    MSc in Earth Sciences (Geochemistry), UFRGS, Brazil
    BSc in Geology, UFRGS, Brazil
  • Research Articles (Journals)

    • Carniel, LC; Conceicao. RV; Provenzano, CAS, Sander, A; Leitzke, FP, da Silva, AB; Berndt, J; Klemme, S. . ‘Mineral chemistry from the Alfeu-I lamproite (Southern Brazil) and its contribution to understand the mantle heterogeneity under South American Plate during the Gondwana breakup.’ Brazilian Journal of Geology 53, No. 3: e202200. doi: 10.1590/2317-4889202320220092 .

    • Stefani V.F., Conceição R.V., Carniel L.C., Balzaretti N.M. . ‘Stability of lanthanum-saturated montmorillonite under high pressure and high temperature conditions.’ Applied Clay Science 102: 51–59. doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2014.10.012.
    • Carniel L.C., Conceição R.V., Dani N., Stefani V.F., Balzaretti N.M., Reis R. . ‘Structural changes of potassium-saturated smectite at high pressures and high temperatures: Application for subduction zones.’ Applied Clay Science 102: 164–171. doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2014.09.037.