Fernanda Gervasoni

Fernanda Gervasoni

Corrensstr. 24, room 124
48149 Münster

T: +49 251 83-36112

  • Research Areas

    • Saturation of accessory minerals (zircon and baddeleyite) in silicate and carbonatite melts
    • Mantle metasomatism: experimental simulations of carbonatite, kimberlite and eclogite metasomatism
    • Experimental Petrology
  • CV


    PhD student in Experimental Petrology, WWU Münster
    MSc in Earth Sciences (Geochemistry), UFRGS, Brazil
    BSc in Geology, UFRGS, Brazil


    Research Assistant at Isotope Geology Laboratory, Geoscience Institute, UFRGS, Brazil
  • Project

    • Stabilität von akzessorischen Mineralen in Silikatschmelzen ()
      Own Resources Project
  • Publications

    • Grützner T, Klemme S, Rohrbach A, Gervasoni F & Berndt J. (). The effect of fluorine on the stability of wadsleyite: Implications for the nature and depths of the transition zone in the Earth’s mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 482, 236–244. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.11.011.

    • Jalowitzki T, Gervasoni F, Conceição RV, Orihashi Y, Bertotto GW, Sumino H, Schilling ME, Nagao K, Morata M & Sylvester P. (). Slab-derived components in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath Chilean Patagonia: Geochemistry and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes of mantle xenoliths and host basalt. Lithos, 292-293, 179-197. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2017.09.008.
    • Schilling M, Carlson R, Tassara A, Conceição R, Bertotto G, Vásquez M, Muñoz D, Jalowitzki T, Gervasoni F & Morata D. (). The origin of Patagonia revealed by Re-Os systematics of mantle xenoliths. Precambrian Research, 294, 15–32. doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2017.03.008.
    • Gervasoni F, Klemme S, Rohrbach A, Grützner T & Berndt J. (). Experimental constraints on mantle metasomatism caused by silicate and carbonate melts. Lithos, 282-283, 173–186. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2017.03.004.
    • Grützner T, Klemme, S, Rohrbach, A, Gervasoni, F & Berndt J. (). The role of F-clinohumite in volatile recycling processes in subduction zones. Geology, 45(5), 443–446. doi: 10.1130/G38788.1.
    • Gervasoni F, Klemme S, Rohrbach A, Grützner T & Berndt J. (). Experimental constraints on the stability of baddeleyite and zircon in carbonate- and silicate-carbonate melts. American Mineralogist, 102, 860–866. doi: 10.2138/am-2017-5870.

    Research Articles (Journals)
    • Gervasoni F, Klemme S, Rocha-Junior ERV & Berndt J. (). Zircon saturation in silicate melts: a new and improved model for aluminous and alkaline melts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2016(171), 21. doi: 10.1007/s00410-016-1227-y.
    • Jalowitzki T, Sumino H, Conceição RV, Orihashi Y, Nagao K, Bertotto GW, Balbinot E, Schilling ME & Gervasoni F. (). Noble gas composition of subcontinental lithospheric mantle: An extensively degassed reservoir beneath Southern Patagonia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2016(450), 263–273. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.06.034.
    Research Articles in Edited Proceedings (Conferences)
    • Grützner T, Rohrbach A, Berndt J, Gervasoni F & Klemme S. (). Fluorine storage in wadsleyite: Implications for the transition zone. In EMPG XV, Zurich.

    • Jalowitzki TLR, Sumino H, Conceição RV, Orihashi Y, Nagao K, Bertotto GW, Schilling M & Gervasoni F. (). Helium and neon isotopes in mantle-derived xenoliths from Southern Patagonia: MORB-like and radiogenic/nucleogenic noble gas components in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. In 9th South American Symposium on Isotope Geology (9th SSAGI), São Paulo, Brazil.

    • Migliavacca DM, Teixeira EC, Gervasoni F, Conceição RV & Rodriguez MTR. (). Metallic elements and isotope of Pb in wet precipitation in urban area, South America. Atmospheric Research, 107.

    • Gervasoni F, Conceição RV, Jalowitzki TLR & Orihashi, Y. (). Mantle heterogeneities beneath Laguna Timone volcano, Pali Aike volcanic field, Southern Chile. In Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.

    • Conceição RV, Green DH, Lenz C, Gervasoni F & Drago SM. (). Derivation os Potassic Magmas by decompression melting of Phlogopite+Pargasite lherzolite. In 5th Brazilian Symposium on Diamond Geology, Tibagi, Brazil.
    • Conceição RV, Lenz C, Gervasoni F & Drago SM. (). Origin of the Potassium in Earth-Moon System and Contribution for the K-rich Rocks. In 5th Brazilian Symposium on Diamond Geology, Tibagi, Brazil.

    Research Articles (Journals)
    • Migliavacca DM, Teixeira EC, Gervasoni F, Conceição RV & Rodriguez MTR. (). Characterization of wet precipitation by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, Brazil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 171.
    Research Articles in Edited Proceedings (Conferences)
    • Jalowitzki TLR, Conceição RV, Orihashi Y, Bertotto GW & Gervasoni F. (). Phlogopite-bearing fossil plume and EM II component evidences in Patagonia, registered in alkaline basalts from Southern Argentine (36 S - 44 S). In Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland.
    • Gervasoni F, Conceição RV, Bertotto GW, Gallas MR & Jalowitzki TLR. (). Experimental petrology, geochemistry and petrography of mantle xenoliths from Prahuaniyeu Volcano, Northern Patagonia, Argentina. In Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland.

    • Pressi LF, Conceição RV, Jalowitzki TLR & Gervasoni F. (). Geochemistry of websterites from the Aznares Volcano, Argentine Patagonia: Constraints on mantle metasomatism. In Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
    • Gervasoni F, Conceição RV, Jalowitzki TLR, Bertotto GW & Pressi LF. (). Ultramafic xenoliths suites from Patagonia extra back-arc, Argentina: Evidences of lithospheric mantle metasomatized by OIB-like melts and subduction related fluids. In Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
    • Jalowitzki TLR, Conceição RV, Bertotto GW, Gervasoni F & Pressi LF. (). Slab-derived fluid metasomatism in mantle lithosphere from Agua Poca volcano, Argentina N-Patagonia. In Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, Canada.