Research Foci
- Application of radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry to geological processes
- Geodynamic processes of upwelling plumes underneath mid ocean ridges and ocean island basalts
- Petrology and geochemistry of igneous rocks
Academic Education
- PhD, Macquarie University Sydney, Australia; Dr. rer. nat., Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- MSc, Geoscience, Macquarie University Sydney, Australia
- B.Sc. Applied Geosciences, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
- Akademischer Rat
- Research Associate
- Post-doc, Münster Isotope Research Centre (MIRC)
- Research Officer, Macquarie University Sydney, Australia
- Research Assistant, Lehrstuhl für Endogene Geodynamik, GeoZentrum Nordbayern, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
External Functions
- Geochemical Society
- Combined chemical and high-precision isotope analysis of silicate melt inclusions – Advancing the understanding of Earth’s heterogeneous mantle ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: GE 2817/6-1 - Origin and nature of peridotites from the East-Azores Fracture Zone ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: GE 2817/5-1
- Combined chemical and high-precision isotope analysis of silicate melt inclusions – Advancing the understanding of Earth’s heterogeneous mantle ( – )
- Sanfilippo, A., Stracke, A., Genske, F., Scarani, S., Cuffaro, M., Basch, V., Borghini, G., Brunelli, D., Ferrando, C., Peyve, A. A., & Ligi, M. (). Upwelling of melt-depleted mantle under Iceland. Nature Geoscience, 17 (9). doi: 10.1038/s41561-024-01532-z.
- Abersteiner, A., Beier, C., Genske, F., Berndt, J., Kamenetsky, M., Goemann, K., Nekrylov, N., & Kamenetsky, D. (). Multi-stage evolution of the oceanic lithosphere beneath Heard Island, southern Indian Ocean. Journal of Petrology, 65 (10). doi: 10.1093/petrology/egae106.
- Ferrando, C., Borghini, G., Sani, C., Genske, F., Ligi, M., Stracke, A., & Sanfilippo, A. (). Deep segregation and crystallization of ultra-depleted melts in the sub-ridge mantle. Chemical Geology, 121840. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121840.
- Sani, C., Sanfilippo, A., Skolotnev, S., Ligi, M., Genske, F., & and Stracke, A. (). Sampling Earth’s mantle at intra-transform spreading ridges. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 374, 156–172. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2024.04.032.
- Brandl, P. A., Beier, C., Haase, K. M., Genske, F., Hauff, F., Regelous, M., Devey, C., & Rüpke, L. H. (). Plume-influenced mid-ocean ridges -Insights into the geodynamics from the Foundation Segment on the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12. doi: 10.3389/feart.2024.1456429.
- Marshall, E.W., Caracciolo, A., Bali, E., Halldórsson, S.A., Matthews, S., Ranta, E., Rasmussen, M.B., Robin, J.G., Guðfinnson, G.H., Maclennan, J., Bosq, C., Auclair, D., Sigmarsson, O., Merrill, H., Gísladóttir, B., Johnson, S., Löw, N., Stracke, A., & Genske, F. (). The Petrology and Geochemistry of the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland: An Eruption Sourced From Multiple, Compositionally Diverse, Near-Moho Sills. AGU Advances, 5, e2024AV0. doi: 10.1029/2024AV001310.
- Albers, E., Behrendt, N., Diehl, A., Genske, F., Monien, P., Kasemann, A. S., Purser, A., Boetius, A., & Bach, W. (). Formation and hydrothermal alteration of a volcanic center: Melt pooling and mass transfers at Langseth Ridge (Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean). Marine Geology, 475, Article 107347. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107347.
- Sani, C., Sanfilippo, A., Peyve, A. A., Genske, F., & and Stracke, A. (). Earth mantle's isotopic record of progressive chemical depletion. AGU Advances, 4, e2022AV000792, Article e2022AV000792. doi: 10.1029/2022AV000792.
- Stracke, A., Willig, M., Genske, F., Béguelin, P., & and Todd, E. (). Chemical Geodynamics Insights from a Machine Learning Approach. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2022GC01060. doi: 10.1029/2022GC010606.
- Beier, C., Genske, F., Hübscher, C., Haase, KM., Bach, W., & Nomikou, P. (). The submarine Azores Plateau: Evidence for a waning mantle plume? Marine Geology, 451, 106858. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106858.
- Klemme, S., Genske, F., Sossi, P., Berndt, C, R., & Stracke, A. (). Cr stable isotope fractionation by evaporation from silicate melts. Chemical Geology, 610, Article 121096. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121096.
- Flemetakis S, K., Stracke A, G. F., & Berndt J, R. A. (). Constraining the presence of amphibole and mica in metasomatized mantle sources through halogen partitioning experiments. Lithos, 380-381, 105859. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105859.
- Rose-Koga E, B. A., Gaetani G, W. P., Allison C, A. J., {de la Torre CA} A, B. A., Bodnar R, AJJ. BG., Butters, C. A., Chilson-Parks B, C. B., Cluzel N, C. M., Cottrell E, D. A., Danyushevsky L, CL. D., Drignon M, F. L., Gaborieau M, G. M., Gatti E, G. F., Hartley, H. E., Iveson A, J. E., Jones M, K. T., Katzir Y, K. M., Kawamoto T, K. K., Koornneef J, K., Laubier M, L. G., Lerner A, L. K., Liu P, L.-M. A., Luciani N, M. N., Marschall H, M. P., Monteleone B, M. L., Moussallam Y, M. M., Myers M, N. D., Navon O, N., ARL N, N. R., Pamukcu A, P. T., Rasmussen D, R. J., Schiavi F, S., Kei S, S. K., Shimizu N, T. J., Thompson G, T. J., Ustunisik G, W. C., & Zhang Y, Z. T. (). Silicate melt inclusions in the new millennium: A review of recommended practices for preparation, analysis, and data presentation. Chemical Geology, 570, 120145. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120145.
- Flemetakis, S., Berndt, J., Klemme, S., Genske, F., Cadoux, A., Louvel, M., & Rohrbach, A. (). Erratum: An improved electron microprobe method for the analysis of halogens in natural silicate glasses (Microscopy and Microanalysis (2020) 26:5 (857-866)). Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26 (5), 1076. doi: 10.1017/S1431927620024551.
- Schurr, S.L., Genske, F., Strauss, H., & Stracke, A. (). A comparison of sulfur isotope measurements of geologic materials by inductively coupled plasma and gas source mass spectrometry. Chem. Geol., 558, 119869.. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119869.
- Flemetakis, S., Berndt, J., Klemme, S., Genske, F., Cadoux, A., Louvel, M., & Rohrbach, A. (). An Improved Electron Microprobe Method for the Analysis of Halogens in Natural Silicate Glasses. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26, 1–10. doi: 10.1017/S1431927620013495.
- Stracke, A., Genske, F., Berndt, J., Koornneef, J, & M. (). Ubiquitous ultra-depleted domains in Earth’s mantle. Nature Geoscience, 12, 851–855. doi: 10.1038/s41561-019-0446-z.
- Beier, C., Bach, W., Busch, AV., Genske, FS., Hübscher, C., & Krumm, SH. (). Extreme intensity of fluid-rock interaction during extensive intraplate volcanism. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.04.017.
- Genske, F., Stracke, A., Berndt, J., & Klemme, S. (). Process-related isotope variability in oceanic basalts revealed by high-precision Sr isotope ratios in olivine-hosted melt inclusions. Chemical Geology, 524, 1–10. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.04.031.
- Kueppers, U., Beier, C., Genske, FS., & Caetano, D. (). Where to Go? A Selection and Short Description of Geological Highlights in the Azores. in Kueppers, U., & Beier, C. (ed.), Volcanoes of the Azores (pp. 331–355). Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-32226-6_14DO-10.1007/978-3-642-32226-6_14.
- Bach, W., Busch, A., Genske, F., Beier, C., & Krumm, S. (). Evidence for intense hydrothermal alteration associated with flood basalt volcanism during the birth of the Azores Plateau. 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans.
- Genske, F.S., Beier, C., Stracke, A., Turner, S.P., Pearson, N.J., Hauff, F., Schaefer, B.F., & Haase, K.M. (). Comparing the nature of the western and eastern Azores mantle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 172, 76–92. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2015.08.019.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Brandl, PA., Genske, FS., Beier, C., Haase, KM., Sprung, P., & Krumm, SH. (). Magmatic Evidence for Carbonate Metasomatism in the Lithospheric Mantle underneath the Ohře (Eger) Rift. Journal of Petrology, 60. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egv052.
Research Articles in Edited Proceedings (Conferences)
- Genske, F., Stracke, A., Beier, C., & Klemme, S. (). Strontium Isotopes in Silicate-Melt Inclusions: A Case Study from the Faroe and Azores Islands. Goldschmidt Conference, prague.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Genske, FS., Turner, SP., Beier, C., Chu, M., Tonarini, S., Pearson, NJ., & Haase, KM. (). Lithium and boron isotope systematics in lavas from the Azores islands reveal crustal assimilation. Chemical Geology, 373, 27–36. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.02.024.
Abstracts in Digital Collections (Conferences)
- Genske, FS., Rohrbach, A., Klemme, S., & Kleine, T. (). Experimental investigation of Cr isotope fractionation during core formation. Accrete Workshop Nice, Nice, France.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Genske, FS., Beier, C., Haase, KM., Turner, SP., Krumm, S., & Brandl, PA. (). Oxygen isotopes in the Azores islands: Crustal assimilation recorded in olivine. Geology, 41 (4), 491–494. doi: 10.1130/G33911.1.
Abstracts in Digital Collections (Conferences)
- Brandl, PA., Genske, FS., Beier, C., & Haase, KM. (). Quaternary volcanism in Central Europe: new results from Železná Hůrka/Eisenbühl (Czech Republic). Basalt 2013, Görlitz, Germany.
- Genske, FS., Beier, C., Turner, SP., Stracke, A., & Haase, KM. (). Constraining the Nature of the Western Azores Mantle Source Using Pb-Hf-Os Isotope Systematics. Goldschmidt 2013, Florence, Italy.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Beier, C., Mata, J., Stöckhert, F., Mattielli, N., Brandl, PA., Madureira, P., Genske, FS., Martins, S., Madeira, J., & Haase, KM. (). Geochemical evidence for melting of carbonated peridotite on Santa Maria Island, Azores. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 165 (5), 823–841. doi: 10.1007/s00410-012-0837-2.
- Genske, FS., Flood, RH., & Lackie, M. (). Geophysical characterisation of a blind I-type pluton emplaced within the Bundarra Suite S-type granites of the New England Batholith. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 59 (3), 435–446. doi: 10.1080/08120099.2012.645070.
- Genske, FS., Turner, SP., Beier, C., & Schaefer, BF. (). The Petrology and Geochemistry of Lavas from the Western Azores Islands of Flores and Corvo. Journal of Petrology, 53 (8), 1673–1708. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egs029.
Abstracts in Digital Collections (Conferences)
- Genske, FS., Beier, C., Krumm, S., Haase, KM., & Turner, SP. (). O Isotopes in the Azores: Mantle Melting Versus AFC. Goldschmidt 2012, Montreal, Canada.
- Genske, FS., Beier, C., Turner, SP., Haase, KM., & Schaefer, BF. (). Plume-Ridge Interaction: Constraints on Melting Dynamics from the Azores and Iceland. Goldschmidt 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Genske, FS., Beier, C., Turner, SP., & Schaefer, BF. (). Source symmetry in the Azores mantle plume: new constraints from Li-B-O isotopes. AGU Fall meeting 2011, San Francisco, USA.
Dr. Felix Genske
Professur für Geochemie (Prof. Stracke)