- Projektseminar: Capstone Project: "Coach in a Pocket – Developing an Anti-Procrastination Tool" [108033]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Ulrike Buhlmann, Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold, Maria Herick)
[ - | | Blockveranstaltung (Mo-Fr) | SRZ 114 | Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold]
[ - | | Blockveranstaltung (Mo-Fr) | SRZ 114 | Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold] - Programming in Java [108084]
(in cooperation with Mathis Niehage, Dr. Carina da Silva)
[ - | | wöchentlich | Do | M B 2 (M 2) | Mathis Niehage]
- Seminar: LearningCenter Informatik [104504]
(in cooperation with Phil Steinhorst, Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold) - Introduction to Java [104507]
(in cooperation with Thore Thießen, Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold) - Tutorial "Introduction to Programming" [104509]
(in cooperation with Phil Steinhorst, Thore Thießen, Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold, Maria Herick, Carolin Wortmann)
- Seminar: LearningCenter Informatik [102420]
(in cooperation with Phil Steinhorst, Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold) - Tutorial Discrete Structures [102060]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Anne Remke, Jonas Stübbe, Pauline Blohm)
- Projektseminar: Capstone Project: "Coach in a Pocket – Developing an Anti-Procrastination Tool" [108033]
Research Article (Journal)
- Schaefer, J., and Strob, J. . “Wenn das Studieren außer Kontrolle gerät - Entwicklung und Validierung einer deutschsprachigen Adaption der Bergen Study Addiction Scale (BStAS).” Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, № 2023 doi: 10.1026/1616-3443/a000684.
Jacqueline Strob
Professur für Praktische Informatik (Prof. Vahrenhold)
Doktorandin - Co-Betreuung durch Prof. Dr. Ulrike Buhlmann (Arbeitseinheit Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie)