• Research Areas

    • Explainable Deep Learning
    • Nanophotonic Neural Networks




    • Tertilt, Henri; Mensing, Jonas: Becker, Marlon: van der Wiel, Wilfred G.; Bobbert, Peter A.: Heuer, Andreas. . ‘Critical nonlinear aspects of hopping transport for reconfigurable logic in disordered dopant networks.’ Physical Review Applied 22, No. 2. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.22.024063.
    • Schulte L; Butz M; Becker M; Risse B; Schuck C. . ‘Accelerating Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain Simulations for Inverse Design Problems in Nanophotonics using Deep Learning .’ Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41, No. 4: 1039–1046. doi: 10.1364/JOSAB.506159.

    • Wendland D; Becker M; Brückerhoff-Plückelmann F; Bente I; Busch K; Risse B; Pernice WH. . ‘Coherent dimension reduction with integrated photonic circuits exploiting tailored disorder.’ Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40, No. 3: B35–B40.
    • Butz M; Leifhelm A; Becker M; Risse B; Schuck C. . ‘A Universal Approach to Nanophotonic Inverse Design through Reinforcement Learning.’ In CLEO 2023, paper STh4G.3, edited by Optica Publishing Group, STh4G.3. San Jose: Optica. doi: 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2023.STh4G.3.
    • Butz, Marco; Leifhelm, Alexander; Becker, Marlon; Risse, Benjamin; Schuck, Carsten. . ‘A Novel Approach to Nanophotonic Black-Box Optimization Through Reinforcement Learning.’ In Q 30 Nano-optics, edited by DPG, 1. Hannover: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
    • Becker, Marlon; Riegelmeyer, Jan; Seyfried, Maximilian; Ravoo, Bart-Jan; Schuck, Carsten; Risse, Benjamin. . ‘Adaptive Photo-Chemical Nonlinearities for Optical Neural Networks.’ Advanced Intelligent Systems ‎ 5, No. 12: 2300229. doi: 10.1002/aisy.202300229 .
    • Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, Frank; Bente, Ivonne; Becker, Marlon; Vollmar, Niklas; Farmakidis, Nikolaos; Lomonte, Emma; Lenzini, Francesco; Wright, C David; Bhaskaran, Harish; Salinga, Martin; Risse, Benjamin; Pernice, Wolfram HP. . ‘Event-driven adaptive optical neural network.’ Science advances 9, No. 42: eadi9127. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adi9127.
    • Purk M.; Fujarski M.; Becker M.; Warnecke T.; Varghese J. . ‘Utilizing a tablet-based artificial intelligence system to assess movement disorders in a prospective study.’ Scientific Reports 13, No. 1. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-37388-3.
    • Becker, Marlon; Drees, Dominik; Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, Frank; Schuck, Carsten; Pernice, Wolfram; Risse, Benjamin.Activation Functions in Non-Negative Neural Networks.’ contributed to the Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS, New Orleans, .
    • Becker, Marlon; Riegelmeyer, Jan; Seyfried, Maximilian David; Ravoo, Bart Jan; Schuck, Carsten; Risse, Benjamin. . ‘Adaptive Photochemical Nonlinearities for Optical Neural Networks.’ Advanced Intelligent Systems 5, No. 12. doi: 10.1002/aisy.202300229.
    • Becker, Marlon; Butz, Marco; Lemli, David; Schuck, Carsten; Risse, Benjamin.Combinatorial Optimization via Memory Metropolis: Template Networks for Proposal Distributions in Simulated Annealing applied to Nanophotonic Inverse Design.’ contributed to the Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Workshop on AI for Accelerated Materials Design (AI4Mat-2023), New Orleans, .

    • Riegelmeyer, Jan; Eich, Alexander;Becker, Marlon;Risse, Benjamin;Schuck, Carsten.Development of a nanophotonic nonlinear unit for optical artificial neural networks.’ contributed to the DPG Springmeeting 2022, Erlangen, .
    • Butz, Marco; Leifhelm, Alexander; Becker, Marlon; Risse, Benjamin; Schuck, Carsten. . ‘Inverse Design of Nanophotonic Devices based on Reinforcement Learning.’ In Q 38 Photonics II, edited by DPG, 2. Erlangen: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
    • Tertilt, Henri; Bakker, Jesse; Becker, Marlon; de Wilde, Bram; Klanberg, Indrek; Geurts, Bernard J. ; van der Wiel, Wilfred G. ; Heuer, Andreas; Bobbert, Peter A. . ‘Hopping-transport mechanism for reconfigurable logic in disordered dopant networks.’ Physical Review Applied 17, No. 6: 064025. doi: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.17.064025.

    • Friedman R, Khalid S, Santamaría CA, Arutyunova E, Becker M, Boyd KJ, Christensen M, Coimbra JTS, Concilio S, Daday C, van Eerden FJ, Fernandes PA, Gräter F, Hakobyan D, Heuer A, Karathanou K, Keller F, Lemieux MJ, Marrink SJ, May ER, Mazumdar A, Naftalin R, Pickholz M, Piotto S, Pohl P, Quinn P, Ramos MJ, Schiøtt B, Sengupta D, Sessa L, Vanni S, Zeppelin T, Zoni V, Bondar A-N, Domene C. . ‘Understanding Conformational Dynamics of Complex Lipid Mixtures Relevant to Biology.’ Journal of Membrane Biology 251, No. 5: 609–631.