Claudia Lückert

Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Postdocs of Mathematics Münster (WWU Münster): Scientific postdoc presentations

Thursday, 09.11.2023 14:15 im Raum M5

Mathematik und Informatik

Get an insight into the research of five new postdoctoral researchers of Mathematics Münster. In short scientific presentations they will introduce their research interests. After the talks, there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas while enjoying tea, coffee and cake in the Common Room. ----- Speakers and Titles: Benjamin Brück - /High dimensional cohomology of arithmetic groups/ Catherine Ray - /Triangles/ Dennis Wulle - /Lower Curvature Bounds and Symmetry/ Dmitry Kabanov - /Open interfaces for Scientific Computing/ Markus Tempelmayr - /Singular stochastic PDEs/ ----- Please come and meet the postdocs!

Angelegt am 22.09.2023 von Claudia Lückert
Geändert am 07.11.2023 von Victoria Liesche
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Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing