Claudia Lückert

Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Catharina Stroppel (Universität Bonn): From Platonic solids to Springer theory and beyond

Thursday, 13.07.2023 14:15 im Raum M4

Mathematik und Informatik

In this talk I want to give a small tour starting from Platonic solids and explain how one might naturally construct spaces/manifolds/varieties which arise in representation theory, more precisely Springer theory and sketch why representation theorists care. From that spaces we will construct a Fukaya type category. The talk is for a general audience.

Angelegt am 20.04.2023 von Claudia Lückert
Geändert am 05.07.2023 von Claudia Lückert
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Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing
Vorträge des SFB 1442