Editions and Commentaries

© Uni MS - Institut für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft

TRANSLAPT: Translation Arabic - Persian - Turkish

Emmy Noether Junior Research Group (2022-2028)

By bringing together research approaches from Oriental/Middle Eastern studies, translation studies, and material philology, the group aims not only to close significant gaps in the current state of research, but also to replace previously too narrowly defined concepts of translation with a new understanding of translation reflected in cultural history. In particular, this applies to the function of translation in the context of ideological self-positioning and confessional demarcation. The further development of literary norms by translators, clients, and recipients will also be examined across different text types. Four plus two subprojects deal with different literary genres, with a focus on translations of the genres (1) princely mirror and historiography, (2) biography and hagiography, (3) encyclopedia, cosmography and geography, and (4) hadith, which will be expanded by two associated subprojects to include the genres (5) mystical guidebooks and (6) Qur'anic exegesis.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Philip Bockholt

Governance in Babylon: Negotiating the Rule of Three Empires

ERC Consolidator Grant

The project is a historical study of governance in the ancient capital Babylon. The project investigates how governance was negotiated and realized, especially in the context of tensions between the local elites of the capital and the kingship. For this purpose, the private archives of the local elites in Babylon provide newly accessible sources. A first edition of these texts, which are now in the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin, is being prepared.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Kristin Kleber

Long-term projects of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts at INTF

The task of the Institute for New Testament Textual Research (INTF) is to comprehensively document and research the history of the transmission of the New Testament in its original Greek language.
The main goal is to gain, for the first time, a picture of the textual history in knowledge of all the material available today and, on this basis, to reconstruct the original text of the New Testament tradition. The result of the work will be published in the Editio Critica Maior.
INTF has long been known for the scholarly hand editions (Nestle-Aland, Greek New Testament, Synopsis) and aids for working on the text (concordances, Bauer-Aland) which it supervises. The hand editions will continue, but they are now joined by digital editions and transcripts of important manuscripts on the Internet, as well as a virtual manuscript reading room.