Two new EViR Working Papers published

The Kolleg's own series of EViR Working Papers features two new contributions dealing with the relationship between increasing social diversity and legal unity or plurality in various historical contexts. Both working papers are in German and include an English abstract.
Working Paper No. 7, edited by Ulrike Ludwig, emerged from a Kolleg workshop on social diversity and legal plurality in the pre-modern city. The contributions collected here discuss the circumstances under which religious and confessional diversity within urban societies led to legal pluralisation and where approaches to legal unification can be observed.
In Working Paper No. 8, Christoph Lorke analyses marriages between Germans and non-Germans between 1870 and 1930. He examines how the authorities - above all the registry offices (Standesämter) established in the 1870s - reacted to the increasing national diversity on the marriage market.
The EViR Working Papers are a digital and printed series to publish current research reports, conference papers and joint working papers. It is interdisciplinary and intertemporal in nature and offers a good insight into the diverse research topics of the Kolleg. As an open access publication, it can be accessed via the University’s publication server miami as well as via the website of the Kolleg.