Yurii Zazuliak was a Fellow of the Kolleg from November 2023 to April 2024.
Yurii Zazuliak was a Fellow of the Kolleg from November 2023 to April 2024.
Born on 13.04.1972 in Lviv (Ukraine). Graduated from Ivan Franko National University (History program) in 1996. Received Ph. D. in Medieval Studies in 2008 from the Central European University, Department of Medieval Studies. A Humboldt Research Fellow at the University Passau in 2011-2013. Currently employed as the Associate Professor at the Department of History of the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine). Scholarly interests concentrate mainly on the social and legal history of late medieval and early modern Poland-Lithuania with the focus the region of Galicia (15th and 16th centuries).
Crime, Ethnic-Religious Boundaries, and Legal Pluralism in Early Modern Lviv
The project examines the role of crime and criminal justice in shaping and transforming the boundaries between various ethnic and religious communities in early modern Lviv. It tends to show how institutions of criminal justice and practices of crime operated to maintain the dominance of the Catholic majority, but simultaneously produced a paradoxical integrative effect of legitimating the place of other ethnic and religious communities in the city. The project also aims to highlight how legal norms and legal traditions of various ethnic and religious provenance were involved in the operation of criminal justice and the negotiation of meanings of crime.
Zazuliak, Yurii: Landscape, Law and Memory: Forging the Local Tradition and the Perambulation of Boundaries in the Kingdom of Poland during the 15th and 16th Centuries (CAS Working Paper Series, Issue 9), Sofia 2017.
Zazuliak, Yurii: Rebaptism, Name-giving and Identity among Nobles of Ruthenian Origin in Late Medieval Galicia, in: Wünsch, Thomas/Janeczek, Andrzej (Ed.): On the Frontier of Latin Europe. Integration and Segregation in Red Ruthenia, 1350-1600 / An der Grenze des Lateinischen Europa. Integration und Segregation in Rotreußland, 1350-1600, Warschau 2004, 47-60.
Zazuliak, Yurii: The Frontier Society, Violence and the Crisis of Public Order in the Fifteenth-Century Kingdom of Poland (The Case of Red Ruthenia), in: Questiones Medii Aevi Novi 16 (2011), 179-202.
Zazuliak, Yurii: Ius Ruthenicale in Late Medieval Galicia. Critical Reconsiderations, in: Kleinmann, Yvonne/Heyde, Jürgen/Hüchtker, Dietlind (Ed.): Imaginations and Configurations of Polish Society: From the Middle Ages through the Twentieth Century (Polen: Kultur-Geschichte-Gesellschaft 3), Göttingen 2017, 66-84.
Zazuliak, Yurii/Bak, János Mihály: Law and the Administration of Justice, in: Začević, Nada/Ziemann, Daniel (Ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Central Europe, Oxford 2022, 113-130.
Zazuliak, Yurii: Ruthenian Peasants, German Law, and Legal Hybridization in 15th-Century Rural Galicia (Red Ruthenia), in: Historische Mitteilungen 33 (2022), 223-246.