3rd Meeting of the Brazilian Diaspora: Brazil Centre also takes part

On 23 March 2023, at 3pm (CET)/11am (BRA), the third meeting of the Brazilian Diaspora for Science, Technology and Innovation will take place and the Brazil Centre of the University of Münster is also on the programme this time. The meeting is organised by the Brazilian Embassy in Berlin in cooperation with the Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa (CONFAP), the Getúlio Vargas Foundation Europe (FGV Europe), Apoena Network and InnSciD SP in Berlin. All Brazilian researchers, developers and PhD students in German companies, universities and research institutes are invited to participate in this 3rd Meeting of the Diaspora. The meeting will take place in hybrid form - physically at the embassy and virtually via the Zoom platform.
The third edition of the meeting will present several panels, including one on Brazilian centres at German universities, in which Anja Grecko Lorenz, Managing Director of the Brazil Centre at Münster University, will participate. The programme also includes presentations on the activities of the Apoena Network, the network of Brazilian researchers in Germany, and on the “Science for Youth” and “Science for Children” programmes. Discussion spaces will be provided to share experiences and discuss topics of interest to the "diasporados". The event aims to continue the discussions and mobilisation activities of the diaspora.
To register and for more information, visit the event page (in Portugueses): https://diaspora-cti-br.de/
Related news: https://go.wwu.de/04qym