Cotutelle WWU-USP: Information about Cotutelle PhD available in Youtube video

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PhD candidates and professors at WWU and the University of São Paulo (USP) are cordially invited to find out more about joint cotutelle doctoral opportunities between WWU and USP in a YouTube video! The video is a recording of the virtual information event with representatives and alumni of both universities held on 26 April 2022 to promote the new framework agreement for joint supervision of doctoral studies between WWU and USP. The event provides a brief overview of the cotutelle procedures and clarifies numerous aspects that interested candidates and professors from both universities should take into account: e.g. advantages and challenges that a cotutelle PhD entails, the steps required to pursue a cotutelle PhD as well as selected funding opportunities. The YouTube video is available in the following link: For more information on the strategic partnership between WWU and USP, please visit Brazil Centre’s website: