Cooperation WWU-UFRN: Masterclass for strings with Prof. Matias de Oliveira Pinto in Brazil

Prof. Matias de Oliveira Pinto from the WWU University of Music was invited to give the Masterclass for Strings at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal, which took place for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic.

Prof. Matias de Oliveira Pinto was able to give lessons to participants from three different states: 12 undergraduates from the UFRN and the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) as well as students from two social projects - Casa de Vovó Dedé from the state of Ceará and Atitude Cooperação. In addition, two performances were organised with the WWU professor: The first was held for the University staff at the Rectory; the second took place in the Old Cathedral of the capital Natal for a wide audience. The Concert had an estimated audience of 240 people,

who could enjoy the sounds of two complete Bach suites. The Masterclass project, which started unpretentiously, turned out to be one of UFRN's teaching and performance activities in collaboration with European countries. With the participation of students from the social projects and citizens from Natal as audience, the project also took on a clear character of knowledge transfer. Thus, this project was of great importance for the development of the cooperation between UFRN and WWU, and was also an important step towards a more intense collaboration between Prof.

Matias de Oliveira Pinto and his partner at UFRN, Prof. Fabio Presgrave. For many years, WWU maintains collaborations with UFRN, especially in the fields of law and music, which gained an institutional framework through an agreement signed in 2018 between both universities.